The Legacy ETD collection includes all theses or dissertations submitted to ProQuest electronically between 2008 and 2022.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2013
The supreme adventure : Brooklyn's thrill-kill gang, and mid century juvenile justice, Mariah Adin
A case study of the adoption and implementation of positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) tier 2 in two elementary schools, Kathleen Emma Affigne
Risk factors for injection versus non-injection drug use among men in Kermanshah City, Iran in 2005 : an observational study, Kamiar Alaei
Banlieues françaises et jeunes issus de l'immigration religion et violence, Abeer I. Aloush
Exposure to persistent organic pollutants and metabolic diseases, Zafar Zayirovich Aminov
The voyage of refinement : the many talents of Thomas Cole, Anthony Edwin Anadio
Illusion in the commonplace : reinterpreting Ernst Gombrich's concept of illusion, Jonathan Auyer
A potential framework for emergent space-time and geometry from order, Newshaw Bahreyni
Best practices in programs for children with emotional behavioral disorders, Nicole Bak
The multiplied body : romanticism's imaginary subject, Dana M. Balejko
Study of key factors influencing dust emission : an assessment of GEOS-Chem and DEAD simulations with observations, Kevin Scott Bartlett
Gentrification and crime in New York City 1980-2009, Michael Scott Barton
Impact of an extended-day kindergarten intervention on school-related variables : a longitudinal study, Catherine Bauer
The sxRNA platform : biophysical characterization of trans-acting RNA switches for gene expression control, Christine Bazinet
Does intimate partner violence affect the acceptability of expedited partner therapy?, Suzanne Elizabeth Beck
The relationship between role salience and work-family conflict among parents in dual-earner families, Shaina I. Bernardi
Target uncertainty does not lead to greater singleton distractor interference when target shapes are not interchangeable with nontarget shapes, Jacquelyn Berry
Protein structures under physiological conditions, Karl Michael Bertrand
Evolution and expression of the Lysozyme and beta1,4-Galactosyltransferase families in mammals : possible roles in fertilization, Jason Michael Biegel
Tabaqueras on the shop floor : gendered labor process and production model transformations in cigar factories in Santiago, Dominican Republic, 1940-2011, Ingrid Mercedes Bircann-Barkey
Mutational analysis of an RNA aptamer, Deblina Biswas
The acquired preparedness model and impulsivity moderated expectancies : examining predictors of marijuana use, Jamie Rae Bolles
Spanish exiles in New York : constructing identities through the Spanish-language press (1930s-1940s), Natacha Bolufer-Laurentie
A survey-based study of social workers' critical consciousness and practice with LGB clients, Cynthia Lynn Bott
Revolutionary mourning : Black Panther women's poetic contribution to the Black Panther intercommunal news service : (and a collection of orginal poems as a creative response), Amanda Michelle Boyd
Conditioned arousal to slot machine wins : an examination of renewal following extinction, James Broussard
The impact of childhood residential stability on adult homelessness and mental health, Joli Brown
Vibrational spectroscopic analysis of gunshot residue : a novel approach for detection and characterization, Justin J. Bueno
Control over variability in nonvolatile hafnium-oxide resistive-switching memory based on modeling of the switching processes, Brian Jerad Butcher
Freshwater management in Libya : a premonition of the global water crisis, Kelly P. Byrnes
Three essays on asset allocation and asset pricing, Chen Cao
Novel resist systems for EUV lithography : LER, chain-scission, nanoparticle and MORE, Brian Cardineau
The effect of environmental and psychological coping resources on unemployed adults' well-being, Robert Paul Carnicella
Literary know-how : restructuring creative writing and literary studies, Jonas Casey-Williams
Charged particle imaging methods for CD metrology of sub 22nm 3D device structures, Aron Joel Cepler
Social interaction and youth smoking, Min Chen
Networking and performance of community based organizations in Taiwan : a social capital perspective, Yi-Yi Chen
Surface plasmonic lens driven photoelectron source for multi-beam applications, Heon Joon Choi
Products of social distinction : organic residue analysis of specialized products in Bronze Age Cyprus, Zuzana Chovanec
Essays on firm-level dynamics of innovation, Hyuk Chung
The localized manipulation of the extracellular matrix within 3d collagen cell cultures using a biomems device, Ashley N. Clark
Using administrative data to estimate the burden of Chlamydia among Medicaid Managed Care enrollees in New York State, Lindsay W. Cogan
A multiple case study exploring the intervention processes influencing success For DD/MI dually diagnosed adolescents, Julanne Colvin
Potential for high resolution microscintigraphy using polycapillary optics, Patrick Richard Conlon
The effects of college self-efficacy and belongingness on adjustment to college in first-generation college students, Christopher Connacher
The role of adaptation to disability and disease in public health, Meghan Mary Connors
The impact of teachers' characteristics and self-reported practices on students' algebra achievement, Liza Cope
White noise : negotiating boundaries and constructing whiteness in hip-hop America, Carolyn Corrado
An examination of interconnectedness between U.S. international branch campuses and their host countries, Jill Crombie-Borgos
Stop at the buzz : a single belief predicts alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harms among first-year college students, Katherine Croom
Impact of black carbon on global climate : a half-century of arctic black carbon -- trends and sources, Anthony Michael Dejulio
Investigating the main effects and interactions of induced mood and emotional urgency on self-report cannabis craving and consumption, Joseph Anthony De Leo
The impact of school-to-school transitions on academic achievement : an analysis of various grade-span configurations utilized by public school districts in New York State, James J. Delviscio
Hypertension prevalence among adults in the United States (NHANES 2007-2010) : are there race and Hispanic origin differences?, Philip M. Dimura
Eudaimonia and virtù : excellence and conflict in democratic politics, Christine M.K. Dow
Phronesis after situationism, Edward C. Dubois
Developing a typology of juvenile sex offenders, Creaig Anthony Dunton
Investigating New York : Governor Alfred E. Smith, the Moreland Act, and reshaping New York State government, John T. Evers
Trans-relational poetics and outsider American modernist and postmodernist poetry, Anna Elena Eyre
Probe immobilization strategies and device optimization for novel transistor-based DNA sensors, Nicholas Michael Fahrenkopf
Decision making in web survey participation of undergraduate students, Weimiao Fan
Constructing veterans : women military veterans, VA and society, Cecilia Ferradino
The impact of CEO duality on firm financial and market performance during the period of 2008 through 2010 : a period of financial crisis, Samuel Eugene Ferrara
Teachers' knowledge of and competency with evidence-based classroom management practices, Laura Ficarra
Steam, electricity & gas : historical perspectives on what we drive today and why, Michael Edward Flinton
The anti-abortion legislation in Nicaragua : gender hierarchies and ideologies in reproduction, Ilona M. Flores
Geometric morphometric analysis of late woodland triangle point types from the Mohawk Valley, New York, Amy Nicole Marie Fox
An analysis of surface air temperature trends and variability along the Andes, Eric Franquist
Non-likelihood based model evaluation and comparison with application to genetic and clinical HIV-1 outcomes, Ashley Elise Giambrone
Plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition of ruthenium-titanium nitride mixed-phase layers for direct-plate liner and copper diffusion barrier applications, Adam James Gildea
Impact of professional background on problem perception among community college leaders, Thomas Giorgianni
Squaring Walter Benjamin's religious, political, and aesthetic positions, Randy Girard
In utero exposure to antiretroviral medication and congenital malformation outcomes in New York State 1998-2010, Stephen Goins
Domestic non-resident undergraduate enrollment in public research universities : the influence of institutional and regional factors, Brian Douglas Goodale
BTBR-FVB chromosome 4 congenic displays rescue of behavior and neuro-anatomical phenotypes, Jessica F. Gracias
Effect of data aggregation at two geographic levels on the association between ABSMs and gonorrhea rates in NYS, 1999-2001, Christina Michelle Gray
RuCo to extend the scalability of ultra-thin direct plate liners, Daniel Verne Greenslit
The songs of science : Rilke, Orpheus, and the poetic transformation of the natural scientist, Evan Michael Gromel
The new welfare state : reconsidering the welfare-crime nexus, Colin Gruner
The impact of demographics, resources, and training on the quality of school crisis plans, Erin Elizabeth Gurdineer
The genetic engineering of motor proteins, Rachael M. Hartz
Oneirospheres : dream worlds, Adam Joshua Heggen
Impacts of ion irradiation on HfO2-based resistive random access memory devices, Xiaoli He
Evaluating drought in the United States using the emissivity difference vegetation index, Hanisha Hirani
Depressive symptoms, neuropsychological performance, and cognitive complaints among individuals with HIV, Andrea Lynn Hobkirk
Exploring the impact of program structure on student and faculty scholarly communities in interdisciplinary Ph. D. programs, Lenore G. Horowitz
Flexible variable and model selection with ordinal categorical responses and multiple covariates, Wan-Hsiang Hsu
Post-translational modification regulates heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K function during axon outgrowth in Xenopus laevis, Erica J. Hutchins
Cultural control and agency : a quantitative analysis of Mazama sp. and Odocoileus sp. osteological remains from Mayapán, Yucatan, Mexico, Vivian S. James
Interactions between African easterly waves and moist convection, Matthew Adam Janiga
Second generation Indo-Guyanese adolescent identity, Caitlin Irene Janiszewski
2'-O-Methyl substitutions in the yeast Telomerase Pseudoknot and their effects on telomerase activity, Katelyn Mae Jasper
Plasmonic-based high temperature chemical sensing using gold nanoparticles embedded in metal oxide thin films, Nicholas Joy
Effect of a diversity training workshop on college students' prejudice and awareness of privilege, David Kasson
The automaticity of emotion v. emotion-laden word processing : findings from unmasked and masked priming approaches, Stephanie Ann Kazanas
The motion of mesoscale snowbands in Northeast U.S. winter storms, Jaymes Kenyon