Date of Award




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology


Educational Psychology and Methodology

Content Description

1 online resource (xviii, 249 pages) : illustrations (1 color)

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Dianna L Newman

Committee Members

Zheng Yan, Dean T Spaulding


Correlational research design, Digital reading, Educational technology, Multiple statistical regression, Reading frequency, Standardized testing, Language arts (Middle school), Language arts, Reading (Middle school), Computers and literacy, Electronic information resource literacy

Subject Categories

Educational Technology | Secondary Education | Statistics and Probability


The increased availability of technology in Western culture has resulted in an increased use of technology among adolescents in both academic and personal settings. In the U.S., adolescents use technology to communicate, access information, create and distribute products on a daily basis. More importantly, this increase in technology has resulted in many more reasons and opportunities to read. It is unclear, however if increased reading in these new digital modes are related to increased scores on traditional academic assessments. This study used an archival data set to investigate relationships that existed among self-reported reading frequencies in different modes and contexts and scores on a high-stakes assessment for students in an urban, high-needs district in the Northeast (N = 232). The relationship of frequencies of reading in four settings; Academic Print, Academic Digital, Recreation Print and Recreation Digital, to student scores on high-stakes, eighth grade ELA assessment was investigated using hierarchical regression analyses. In addition, alternate methods of quantifying survey responses were studied.
