The Legacy ETD collection includes all theses or dissertations submitted to ProQuest electronically between 2008 and 2022.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Contriving history : making dead time in select works of William Faulkner, Anthony Joseph Delgado
Twelve-Step Program familiarity and the referral process, Cory Brad Dennis
An empirical examination of self-development activities : integrating social exchange and motivational lens, Kanchan Vasant Deosthali
Characterization of postsynaptic calcium(II) signals and their role in synaptic regulation at the Drosophila larval neuromuscular junction, Sunil Ashok Desai
Developing a toolkit to study the role of inteins in mycobacterial biology, Rupsa Dey
Divisions and mixing in "Go Down, Moses" by William Faulkner, Emiko Dodo
Transracially adopted Korean adults' experiences with racism : a qualitative investigation, Katy Dorsheimer
Impacts of a school-based mentoring program on academic and behavioral outcomes for middle school youth, Kari Lisa Dupuis
Prenatal participation in WIC : impact on breastfeeding initiation and duration and on infant weight gain, Lynn S. Edmunds
The disbanding of the self in Poe's gothic stories through Foucault's concepts of madness and confinement, Carolyn Leigh Elacqua
Teacher reflective function and its connection to observed teacher-child interactions in Head Start classrooms, Katharine Emerson-Hoss
Unification modulo theories of blind signatures, Serdar Erbatur
Patterns of risk and resilience : cluster analysis and the relation to later outcomes, Stephanie M. Ernestus
A comparison of robusticity of archaic, woodland, and historic period populations within New York State as based on musculoskeletal markers, Julie Emily Ferguson
The tri-river region : the geographic key to lasting change in Ireland, Eugene Ryan Fitzpatrick
The association of summer temperatures with hospital admissions for renal diseases in New York State : a case-crossover study, Barbara A. Fletcher
The produced and the perceived : transnationalism, the production of space, and the role of media in constructing popular perceptions of Mexican (im)migrant communities, Rachel Marie Forbes
Statistical analysis of gasoline as an accelerant using principal component analysis, Carolyn Frantz
Measuring entrepreneurship in the academic heartland, Jonathan Gagliardi
The relationship of age, gender, temperament and cumulative risk to psychopathology in children and adolescents, Nancy Kumari Gajee
New destinations in context : explaining the changing geography of immigrant settlement, Chris Galvan
The impact of parental alcohol use on alcohol-related cognitions, Cathryn Frances Glanton
Generality in nanotechnologies and its relationship to economic performance, Fernando Gomez Baquero
Molecular vapor deposition of organosilanes, Sarah Kirsten Goulet
Influence tactics and leadership effectiveness in Turkey and USA : mediating role of subordinate commitment, Cuneyt Gozu
Disappearing act? : an analysis of the boundaries between the nonprofit & for-profit sectors, Simone Grant
DNA repair fidelity and cancer : structural and kinetic insights from DNA polymerase Beta mutator variants, Chelsea Lynne Gridley
Large-scale influences on the pre-genesis of tropical cyclone Karl (2010), Kyle S. Griffin
Migration and the well-being of left-behind children in China, Lin Guo
The relationship between HIV/AIDS knowledge and condom use among reproductive age women in Georgia, Lia Gvinjilia
Structural and thermodynamic anaylsis of self-assembled DNA cross-tiles, Lauren Hakker
Ultraviolet resonance raman spectroscopy for characterization of RNA structure and thermodynamics, Joseph Dustin Handen
Inhibition of glutamate receptors by constructing bipartite RNA aptamers, Jeffrey Hebert
Ecological literacy, nutrition knowledge, and dietary practices among students at University at Albany, Elaine Hills
Information theory applied to parameter inference of the nuclear resonance absorption lineshape of a hydrated crystal, Kiel A. Hock
Exploring the influence of the Japanese accreditation system through managerial and institutional lenses, Hirosuke Honda
Copala Triqui rhetoric discourse of peace, Sharone Horowit-Hendler
An exploratory study of the impact of college student leadership programs upon the construct of mindfulness, Richard Lee Horowitz
Essays on the effects of public policies on emergency department use in US, Niyousha Hosseinichimeh
Characterization of the calmodulin-ryanodine receptor interaction by cryo-electron microscopy, Xiaojun Huang
Body size and mortality in post-Medieval England, Gail Margaret Hughes-Morey
Life course socio-economic measures as predictors of BMI trajectories and prevalence of diabetes in adult life, Tabassum Zarina Insaf
Evaluation of SUNY satellite-to-irradiance model performance using ECMWF GEMS daily aerosol optical depth reanalysis data, Kyle Frederick Itterly
Interactions of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 nucleocapsid protein with non-HIV-derived nucleic acids : implications for the viral replication cycle, Abhijit Padmakar Jadhav
Gender and empowerment in supported housing : a consumer-oriented empowerment model for adults with psychiatric disabilities and histories of homelessness, Eleanor M. Jaffee
American modern aphonic "virtuality" beyond western metaphysics : Eliot, Stevens, Hughes, and Bishop, Cheol-U Jang
The viability of Palestinian EFL teachers to effectively apply ICT as an educational medium in Palestinian basic schools in the Gaza Strip : a pedagogical perspective, Wael A. S. Jebril
The absent father in literature, culture, and personal memoir, Abigail Louise Jensky
"Where are the regulars?" : an analysis of Regular Army recruiting and enlistees, 1851-1865, Mark Johnson
Antibody production during ehrlichial infection : development and specificity of T cell-independent IgM, Derek Daniel Jones
Health disparities among the U.S. elderly, Heesoo Joo
Habitat associations and occupancy modeling of marsh birds in the Hudson Valley region of Eastern New York, Lauren Jorgensen
Materials engineering for near-infrared light emission from silicon compatible MOS structures, Himani Suhag Kamineni
Entropic priors : corrections, new observations and applications, Tai Kaufmann
Parent-rated strengths of children and adolescents with down syndrome, Nicole Keenan
Borders that matter : trans identity management, Reese C. Kelly
Assessing the relationship of career goal autonomy and intrinsic content on vocational and general well-being, Andrew E. Kerlow-Myers
Effects of lead exposure on synaptic function, Shoily Parveen Khondker
City of brick and stone : New York and Hanover Square from settlement to revolution, 1626-1783, Jeffrey Heymann Knaack
Theoretical and practical implications of multicultural music for additional language learning in South Africa, Nolan Keven Krull
The role of ESX1 in secretion and sex-determination of Mycobacterium smegmatis, Janet Krywy
Transparency in higher educational student learning assessment as seen through accreditation, Linda M. Krzykowski
Participation, collaboration, and nonparticipation in civil war, Yuichi Kubota
Grains, greenbacks and governance : the political economy of rural microfinance in Nicaragua, Courtney B. Kurlanska
Amyloid fibril polymorphism : structure, supramolecular chiraliy and spontaneous interconversion, Dzmitry Kurouski
The effects of organizational factors on the performance of federal FOIA implementation, Hyuckbin Kwon
Work-family balance among single parent households, Selina Labriola
Relationships between admission variables and outcome variables in a special education graduate program, Matthew J. Lafave
Predicting depressive symptoms from acculturative family distancing theory : a study of adult Taiwanese parachute kids, Hsin-Hua Lee
The effects of interactive strategies approach on at-risk kindergarten children's spelling development, Sun Hwa Lee
Assessing delta oxygen-18 in the coral genus Isopora for reconstructing Indo-Pacific regional and seasonal climate, Gavin Lemley
Remote sensing of cloud properties using oxygen A-band spectral measurements, Siwei Li
Elementary school and middle school principals' theories of action in two rural school districts, Lynn A. Lisy-Macan
Essays on corporate default risk and equity return, Gang Liu
College alcohol policy and student drinking-while-driving : a multilevel model, Jing Liu
The role of an RNA binding protein hnRNP K during axon development and regeneration in Xenopus laevis, Yuanyuan Liu
The analytic reconciliation of Classic Mayan elite pottery : squaring pottery function with form, adornment, and residual contents, Jennifer Ann Loughmiller-Newman
China as a multi-national country : a novel interpretation of Chinese nationalism, Zhaojin Lu
The contribution of genotype cluster investigations to understanding tuberculosis transmission in New York City with a focus on the foreign-born population, 2001-2009, Michelle Merced Macaraig
Neighborhood contexts and academic achievement : an analysis of Hispanic children in immigrant and native-born families, Suzanne E. Macartney
Education in Juticalpa, Honduras : analyzing nonprofit education's impact on socio-cultural reproduction, Eric Macias
Short-term associations between PM2.5, black carbon, Delta-C, and cardiovascular diseases in a large developing megacity, Daniel Malashock
The influence of molecular family stability on emotion regulation and adjustment, Jennifer Weil Malatras
The burden of hepatitis C virus in New York State, Rachel Hart Malloy
Plasma enhanced atomic layer deposition of Cu seed layers at low process temperatures, Jiajun Mao
Childrearing in the discourse of friars and Nahaus in early colonial central Mexico, Nadia Marín-Guadarrama
Equational unification : algorithms and complexity with applications to cryptographic protocol analysis, Andrew Marshall
How does the nonprofit workforce perceive college student service learners in their workplace?, Elisa M. Martin
How psychotherapy trainees experience theoretical orientation development : a phenomenological study, Mark Mason
Phonetics and phonology of Chicahuaxtla Triqui tones, Kosuke Matsukawa
La mujer detective en la literatura latinoamericana--tres ejemplos, Ornella Lepri Mazzuca
Development of a gas-based spectral filter for carbon dioxide laser produced plasma extreme ultraviolet sources, Chimaobi Mbanaso