Date of Award




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Public Administration and Policy

Content Description

1 online resource (viii, 124 pages) : color illustrations

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

John W Rohrbaugh

Committee Members

John W Rohrbaugh, Jeffrey D Straussman, Ellen V Rubin


Evaluation Capacity, Nonprofit Organizations, Organizational Learning, Organizational Learning Capacity, Performance Management, Public Management, Nonprofit organizations, Administrative agencies, Organizational learning, Project management

Subject Categories

Public Administration | Public Policy


Most evaluation capacity building (ECB) approaches use staff training as the method to build evaluation capacity (EC) in organizations. ECB has rarely been understood and empirically studied at the organizational level. The present study fills this gap by using an organizational learning perspective. Specifically, the study was a response to the following research question: do organizations with high EC differ from organizations with low EC in terms of OLC? OLC was measured using five measures of organizational learning: staff empowerment, staff development, external alignment, experimentation, and clear organizational goals. Data were collected from 26 nonprofit organizations (NPOs) located in the New York State Capital Region: 13 organizations with high EC and 13 organizations with low EC. To avoid common method bias, multiple sources of information were used to measure the dependent variable.
