The Legacy ETD collection includes all theses or dissertations submitted to ProQuest electronically between 2008 and 2022.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Platonic conception : post war experience in "The Great Gatsby" and "Farewell to Arms", Frederick D. Floss
The role of the simple natures and method in Descartes' Meditations, Thomas C. Fowler
Adaptive behavior deficits in children with autism as predictors of parenting stress and family quality of life, Stephanie A. Fox
Global view of the role of the ITCZ/monsoon trough in tropical cyclogenesis, Steven Fuhrman
Psychological features of abstinent heroin users and predictors of their improvement during rehabilitation in Saint-Petersburg, Russia, Timofey Galankin
A functional genomics approach to investigate the mechanism of action of the histone deacetylase inhibitor CG-1521, Ann-Christin Gaupel
Effects of extreme hydrologic events on trout populations and fish communities in a Catskill Mountain river, Scott Daniel George
The postsynaptic regulation of synaptic strength in Drosophila, Daniel Michael Gertner
Segregation and the adaption of community-based organizations to multiethnic immigration in Newark and Jersey City : 1990-2010, Joseph R. Gibbons
Queer creatures, queer times, Sarah Giragosian
Associations between the Madden-Julian oscillation, equatorial Rossby waves, and extratropical northern hemisphere predictability, Lawrence Gloeckler
Development of antifouling surfaces to reduce bacterial attachment, Mary Viola Graham
Catharine Maria Sedgwick's historicization of antebellum landscapes and character in "A New-England Tale" and "Hope Leslie", Lisa D. Grant
A theory of environmentalism : environmentalism as wide-ecology, Elizabeth Gray
When every teacher is a language teacher : a case study of high school math and science instructors' use of multimodal accommodations with ELs, Karen Marie Gregory
Ribavirin-resistant St. Louis encephalitis virus populations display phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of high-fidelity RNA polymerase variants, Sara B. Griesemer
The spectrum of progressive derecho formation environments, Corey Guastini
Understanding whites' colorblind racial attitudes : the role of intergroup anxiety and psychological flexibility, Alexa Hanus
Spatial and seasonal variability of cloud condensation nuclei number concentrations over the extended North African continent and the Mediterranean, Hesham Abdel-Monem Afify Hassan
A mixed methods study of shared epistemic agency in team projects in an online baccalaureate nursing course, Suzanne Hayes
Improving the microbial source tracking toolbox : evaluating the use of selective enrichments and artificial sweeteners in a multi-tiered approach, Stacey A. Helming
Impact of the PEERS intervention on performance-based measures of social skills among adolescents with autism spectrum disorder, Laura S. Hiruma
First-principles study of the electric field effect on the water-adsorbed rutile titanium dioxide surface, Abraham L. Hmiel
Old tools, new view : utilizing species distribution models to focus conservation efforts under a changing climate, Samantha Hoff
The role of distress tolerance and expectancies in women's alcohol consumption, Cathryn Glanton Holzhauer
The mediating effect of self-awareness in the relations of self-compassion and training variables to therapist self-efficacy, I-Ching Grace Hung
Exploratory study of student instructional choice in online learning, Andrew Hurd
Biomacromolecule conjugated nanofiber scaffold for salivary gland tissue engineering, Kavitha Jayarathanam
A stochastic volatility model with leverage effect and regime switching, Hong Jiang
Grade retention practices within an RTI framework : a survey of school psychologists' perceptions, Elizabeth Johnson
Marriage and family law : court centered legal development, 1942-2012, Natalie Priya Johnson
Predictors of attrition among participants in a worksite wellness program, Yvonne A. Johnston
Facing the epokolo : corporal punishment and scandal in twentieth century Ovamboland, David Crawford Jones
Characterization of extreme ultraviolet lithography photoresists using advanced metrology and fitting techniques, Genevieve Kane
A biocultural perspective on the transition to agriculture in Ukraine, Jordan Kenneth Karsten
From pamphlet to melodrama : the resacralization of the queen in Dumas' Marie Antoinette romances, Karen Elizabeth Keegan
Coherent scatter imaging for mammography, Katie Kern
Early health and human capital accumulation : an econometric analysis using the PSID-CDS, 1997-2007, Dohyung Kim
Attack of the drones : unmanned aerial vehicles and moral problems, Tyler B. Kirk
Release from proactive interference : the impact of emotional and semantic shifts on recall performance, Hugh Knickerbocker
Osterreich und Anschluss : ponderous dilemma of Austrian identity (1848-1948), Jonathan J. Knickerbocker
The role of IGF-II in memory enhancement : implications for autism spectrum disorders, Amy S. Kohtz
A query-oriented approach to graph series distribution and replication : dissertation, Alan G. Labouseur
Mechanistic studies of C- and Y-family DNA polymerases, Indrajit Lahiri
Spinal transection changes external urethral sphincter muscle activity and motoneuron properties : implications for lower urinary tract function after spinal cord injury, Brandon Keith Lapallo
Molecular actions of the vitamin D receptor in breast cancer, Erika Laporta
Trends in the effect of economic insecurity on the allocation of household expenditures in the U.S., 1980-2005, Kirsten Bartlett Lauber
Public and private goal commitment : self-control and choice, Rebekah L. Layton
Teaching writing to East Asian ESL adolescents : case studies of ESL and ELA teachers, Ae Lee Lee
Essays on failure management of nonprofit organizations, Junesoo Lee
Art of state / State of art : the European tours of Martha Graham and her dance company, 1950-1967, Ileana Camelia Lenart
Unpacking the impact of democracy on terrorism, Issares Lertangtam
Three essays on consumption, portfolio choice and retirement accounts, Pu Li
School psychologists' early numeracy training and practices, Jia Liu-Trofimovsky
Local power of panel unit root tests : impact of initial values in finite samples, Xiaomei Li
The role of progestogen neurosteroids in behaviors relevant for autism spectrum disorders, Danielle Christine Llaneza
A feedback view of theories of contentious politics, Alexander Yury Lubyansky
The effect of state induction policies on novice teacher attrition, Christina Catherine Luke
Development of a one-dimensional position sensitive detector for tracking applications, Leigh Kent Lydecker
Outpatient treatment approaches, services and outcomes for older addicted adults, Nicole Sarette Macfarland
On the MJO and anticyclonic wavebreaking, Kyle Macritchie
A study of the Native American captivity narrative, Meghan Daniele Madden
The F Street Mess : Southern power in the antebellum senate and the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, Alice Elizabeth Malavasic
Medico-politics and English literature, 1790-1830 : immunity, humanity, subjectivity, Amy Mallory-Kani
Metal oxide growth, spin precession measurements and Raman spectroscopy of CVD graphene, Akitomo Matsubayashi
The development and pilot of a new macro social work field evaluation instrument, Sarah P. Maynard
Mechanisms of age-related inflammation and cancer : the synergistic effect of oxidants and calcium, Donald A. Mccarthy
Correctional group quarters, neighborhood crime and property values, Kelly Mcgeever
Metrology of epitaxial thin films and periodic nanostructures using high resolution x-ray diffraction techniques, Manasa Medikonda
Dynamical and thermodynamic processes contributing to thundersnow events over the northeast U.S, Kyle Jacob Meier
"For divers good causes and considerations" : manumission practices of Albany, NY slaveholders, 1799-1824, William Angelo Meredith
Social support and risky sexual behavior among male migrant market workers from Central Asia in Almaty, Kazakhstan, Gaukhar Mergenova
PH regulation and the assessment of renal injury biomarkers in a warm perfusion renal allograft preservation system, Aaron Meyer
Political criticism and the power of satire : the transformation of "late-night" comedy on television in the United States, 1980-2008, Nickie Michaud Wild
Northeast cool-season cyclones associated with significant upper-level easterly wind anomalies, Adrian Mitchell
The role of landscape variation in shaping the evolutionary diversification of chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) in a biodiversity hotspot, Matthew William Mitchell
A study to detect the presence of racial/ethnic pay disparities among registered nurses (RNs) in U.S. hospitals, Jean M. Moore
The dieting paradox : using I³ theory to explain counter-regulatory eating, Lindsay C. Morton
A "silk-shot" voice : constructing social history in the future-bound novels of H.G. Wells, Sophie Moss
Mechanisms of DNA synthesis and fidelity by Y-family translesion and C-family replicative polymerases, Purba Mukherjee
Refugee protection and assistance : locating gender in refugee policies, programs, and experiences, Mwaka Nachilongo
Adult learners of English interacting with native speaker teachers and non-native speaker teachers : exploring differences in students' language use, Melody Hallenbeck Nadeau
Household economies : the production and consumption of Plumbate at Miguel Alemán, the Conquista Campesina Complex and the Piñuela complex, Marx Navarro-Castillo
Momentum and spin in entropic quantum dynamics, Shahid Nawaz
Dialogic festivity : tourism, diaspora, and the hybridization of being and becoming, Heidi J. Nicholls
Condom use among married women in India, Claire Arielle Nicolas
An evaluation of factors leading to the risk and detection of thyroid cancer, Thomas James O'Grady
The effects of lobbying expenditures on firm profitability, Laurie Okinaga
El wavering imaginativo y la conciencia imaginante en los cuentos de Marvel Moreno y Angela Carter, Alejandra Olarte
Analysis of mass fragmentation patterns using DART-MS and GCMS for drugs of abuse, Teresa Anne O'Neill
Mediation of recurrent hypoglycemia's physiological and behavioral effects in the hippocampus by glucocorticoids, Danielle Osborne
"We're all in this together" : creating a community around a DIY music scene, Steve Osikowicz
An analysis of school-based suicide postvention protocols, Emily Catherine Owens