"Teachers' perceptions of the impact of education policy on their teach" by David Clickner

Date of Award




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Literacy Teaching and Learning



Content Description

1 online resource (xx, 313 pages) : illustrations.

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Virginia Goatley

Committee Members

Rose-Marie Weber


education policy, literacy, policy impact, reading policy, self-efficacy, teacher perceptions, Education and state, Reading teachers, Elementary school teachers, Literacy, Self-efficacy, Self Efficacy

Subject Categories

Education | Educational Leadership | Education Policy


This study examined teachers’ (a) perceptions of the impact of policy on their teaching and professional development, (b) knowledge of policy initiatives and the protocols their schools have in place to support them, (c) perceptions of policy, and (d) self-efficacy for literacy instruction and professional development’s impact on it. The investigation focused on three policy initiatives: Response to Intervention, the Common Core State Standards, and the Annual Professional Performance Review program, New York State’s teacher evaluation system. The sample included K-4 classroom and special education teachers and literacy/reading specialists working in New York State. Results revealed that respondents’ perceptions of policy initiatives varied by initiative and that the majority of respondents were knowledgeable about aspects of each policy initiative. However, fewer respondents perceived that the protocols their schools had in place to support the policy initiatives were clear. The overwhelming majority of respondents indicated that they had a high sense of efficacy for literacy instruction. A smaller percentage indicated that PD increased their sense of efficacy for various aspects of literacy instruction. Additionally, respondents’ perceptions provided insight into how professional development and teachers’ knowledge about initiatives relate to policy implementation.
