The Legacy ETD collection includes all theses or dissertations submitted to ProQuest electronically between 2008 and 2022.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2016
On monomial resolutions supported on posets, Daniel Wood
Internalized homophobia, alcohol use, and risky sexual behaviors : the buffering role of DBT coping skills, Matthew J. Worhach
Causal inference in observational studies with clustered data, Meng Wu
Estimating survival distributions, important covariates and time-varying associations, Yan Wu
Efficient large-scale photometric reconstruction using divide-conquer and fusion, Yueming Yang
Teacher educators' use of research-based literature in their pedagogical practice, Leigh Yannuzzi
Criminal specialization in the criminal justice context, Shi Yan
The teachability of situation-bound utterances in modern Chinese as a foreign language context, Shu-Han Yeh
International branch campuses in China : quest for legitimacy, Li Zhang
Investigation of contact properties at metal graphene junctions, their degradation and intrinsic limitations, Zhenjun Zhang
Supporting spatial orientation : using resizable icons to visualize distant landmarks on mobile phones, Jiayan Zhao
Organizing for collective impact in a cradle-to-career network, Sarah Jane Zuckerman
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
The impacts of varability in temperature and humidity on electricity consumption in New York State, Eric Adamchick
3D integration with coaxial through silicon vias, Stephen Adamshick
Culture, elder-care, interrole transitions, and work-family conflict : a U.S.-Chinese comparison, John Paul Agosta
Monitoring soil response to decreasing acidic deposition in a western Adirondack tributary over a 16 year period, Michael Robert Antidormi
Does self-care moderate the relation of stress to quality of life of female doctoral students in professional psychology?, Erin Elizabeth Ayala
Shakespearean avatars : modern African and South-east Asian adaptations, Rebekah Bale
Phase imaging using focusing polycapillary optics, Sajid Bashir
Making thought matter : postmodern models for material thinking, James Kenneth Belflower
The contribution of mindfulness meditation and values clarification to the treatment of anxiety : an experience sampling study, Christopher Robert Berghoff
Initiated chemical vapor deposition (iCVD) polymer thin films : structure-property effects on thermal degradation and adhesion, Vijay Jain Bharamaiah Jeevendrakumar
Theories of political resistance : the making of resistance from the sixteenth century to the present, Onur Bilginer
The effects of acculturative factors and academic self-efficacy on international students' psychological adjustment, Jeremy Bissram
Prospective secondary teachers' conceptualizations of literacy and literacy in their content areas, Jane Costello Bonacci
The implementation of judicial policy in crime laboratories : an examination of the impact of Melendez-Diaz v. Massachusetts, Catherine L. Bonventre
Evolution of African easterly waves and their relationship to tropical cyclogenesis, Alan Brammer
General education teachers' knowledge, training, and perspectives of children with autism spectrum disorders and evidence-based interventions : an exploratory study, Jeannette L. Cahill
Luminescence of lanthanide ions in octahedral coordinations with comparison to the centroid shift and host lattice exciton energy, Sam J. Camardello
The Queen's three bodies : representations of female sovereignty in early modern women's writing, 1588-1688, Erin V. Casey-Williams
Estudio sociolingüístico de las líquidas en el Español hablado en la ciudad de Guantánamo, Yaima Aimee Centeno
Stereotypes and deadly force decision-making, Mark R. Chaires
Essays on income inequality, minority health and healthcare spending, Rui Cheng
Formative assessment for collaborative knowledge building in Chinese elementary science classrooms, Jingping Chen
Using storm-watersheds and a multi-criteria decision model for biodiversity conservation in an urban environment, Christina M. Chiappetta
Extraction of carrier mobility and interface trap density in InGaAs metal oxide semiconductor structures using gated Hall method, Thenappan Chidambaram
Misfortune : a novel of historical and detective fiction, Samme Catherine Chittum
I can see what you are saying : auditory labels reduce visual search times, Kit Wing Cho
The third wave of democratization : consolidation of nominal democracy, Rak Koo Chung
The relationship between hospital safety culture and variation in adverse events : what is the evidence from NYs hospitals?, Kathleen Ciccone
Women's decision to major in STEM fields, Stephanie Conklin
Characterizing postmodernity : developing ethical paradigms in the novels of David Foster Wallace, Thomas Patrick Cook
Separating the signal from the noise in electrocorticographic (ECoG) signals : novel analytic methods and their application to experimental and theoretical neuroscience, William Grey Coon
An examination of the effects of a Technology-Based Graphic Organizer (TBGO) and the iPad on the persuasive writing of fourth-grade students with and without disabilities, Julienne Marie Cuccio Slichko
Young adult friendship : the portrayal of cross-gender and cross-race friendship on television, Nichole Suzanne Daegele
Does humor promote cognitive flexibility by way of its affective and cognitive components? : a prospective test, Stuart Jenkins Daman
Visual saliency estimation : a pre-attentive cognitive and context-aware approach, Amanda Shannon Danko
3D-bioengineering of the conventional outflow tract for high throughput drug or gene transfer screening for glaucoma treatment, Cula Nolise Dautriche
Molecular organometallic resists of tin and tellurium, Ryan Del Re
Interpersonal versus non-interpersonal sadness intensity and its effect on music preferences, Tina Demarco
The relationship of disability status on attendance, behavior, and achievement indicators for students receiving intensive school-based mental health counseling, Meghan Morris Deyoe
Role of antibody isotypes in providing passive protection against ricin toxin, Ipneet Kaur Dhaliwal
Optical metrology for directed self-assembly patterning using Mueller matrix spectroscopic ellipsometry based scatterometry, Dhairya J. Dixit
Evaluating preferred direction tropical cyclone track variability in an operational global ensemble prediction system, Travis Elless
Colossus, Dennin Ellis
The effect of poetry as a write to learn activity on content acquisition, content area writing proficiency, and classroom engagement in an inclusive middle school social studies setting : a mixed methods study, Tammy Geneive Ellis-Robinson
Employment after incarceration : exploring the influence of cumulative disadvantage on multiple employment outcomes, Amanda D. Emmert
An examination of subtypes of inclusive depressive symptoms across female and male low-income Latino and Black adolescents, Stephanie M. Ernestus
Antibiotics, the microbiome, and immunity : a case study in Bangladesh, Carmen Fagnani
Perceived teacher significance : ninth grade student reported affinities for teacher traits, interactions, and outcomes, Paul D. Fallon
Genome-scale analyses of transcription and transcriptional regulation in bacteria, Devon Marie Fitzgerald
Breastfeeding initiation, duration and exclusivity in New York State : impact of hospital maternity care practices, hospital characteristics and individual/socio-demographic factors, Eileen Mary Fitzpatrick
(Re)producing (Neo)medievalism, Kellyann Fitzpatrick
Evaluability assessment of adolescent pregnancy prevention and sexual health program, Be Proud! Be Responsible! in New York State, Veronica Eileen Fitzpatrick
Francisella tularensis catalase restricts immune function by impairing TRPM2 channel activity, Nicole Lynn Flaherty
An investigation of alkaline earth and rare earth elements in human bone following long-term parenteral nutrition, Aubrey L. Galusha
Fiscal policy, Laffer curves and economic growth, Si Gao
The death of global jihad : the origin and reality of Islamic terrorism, David Charles Gardiner
Neoliberalism, populist mobilization, and state-making in Latin America : the cases of Mexico and Venezuela, Anibal Francisco Gauna
Deciding static inclusion for delta-strong and omega [upside down triangle]-strong intruder theories : applications to cryptographic protocol analysis, Kimberly Ann Gero
Myoepithelial cell morphogenesis and differentiation in the mouse submandibular salivary gland in development and disease, Elise Marie Gervais
Correlates of life-time history of purchasing sex services by men in Saint Petersburg and Leningrad Oblast, Russian Federation, Polina Girchenko
A study of the emergence of student tacit knowledge in response to environmental images and science instruction, Rory J. Glass
Drunkorexia : gender differences in compensatory behavior in response to alcohol use, Sasha Gorrell
The development of III-V semiconductor MOSFETs for future CMOS applications, Andrew M. Greene
Welfare and crime revisited : beyond yea or nay, Colin Gruner
Attitudes toward mental illness and mental health in the literature classroom, Melissa B. Guadron
Cognitive and emotional effects of learning Chinese by playing an online game, Shuyi Guan
Swan modules of elementary abelian 2-groups over quadratic imaginary fields, Maxine Guzman
Foraminiferal beta 2-tubulin and microtubule to helical filament transition in reticulomyxa filosa, Ingrid Ann Hahn
Coherent scattering imaging Monte Carlo simulation, Laila Hassan
Generators for K₁ of a category with cofibrations, Emily Hepworth
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and home food availability : the role of depression and household characteristics, Marta D. Hernandez
Strain relaxation in nm-thick Cu and Cu-alloy films bonded to a rigid substrate, Ashley Herrmann
From actor to object : political influence, political entertainers, and the symoblic construction of Rush Limbaugh during the 2008 US presidential election, Andrew D. Horvitz
Supervisee nondisclosure : do supervisors' multicultural competence and the supervisory working alliance matter?, Heidi Hutman
Carbon 1D/2D nanoelectronics : integration and device applications, Zhaoying Hu
Predicting job performance in correctional officers with pre-employment psychological screening, Shelley S. Hyland