"Explaining presenteeism through social exchange and expectancy theorie" by Christopher Russo

Date of Award




Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Department of Psychology


Industrial/Organizational Psychology

Content Description

1 online resource (ii, 54 pages) : illustrations.

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Michael T Ford

Committee Members

Sylvia Roch


Psychology, Industrial, Expectation (Psychology), Social exchange, Sick leave, Personnel management, Absenteeism (Labor)

Subject Categories

Industrial and Organizational Psychology | Psychology


A growing interest in presenteeism, attending work despite being ill, has led to an increase in research on the construct across various disciplines. The objective of this research was to provide a cohesive definition from prior literature, measure presenteeism in a novel manner, and identify potential casual explanations to expand the presenteeism literature within Industrial-Organizational Psychology. In this study, presenteeism was operationalized as, “attending work and putting forth effort at work while ill,” and was measured using behavioral intentions (the intent to presentee). Potential motivation for presenteeism behavior was modeled using social exchange theory, organizational support theory (perceived organizational support), and expectancy theory (expectancy, instrumentality, and valance). It was hypothesized that individuals would intend to presentee if they perceived the behavior as a method to reciprocate their perceived organizational support and/or if they viewed presenteeing as instrumental to achieving a valued reward. The conceptual models were tested using structural equation modeling (confirmatory factory analysis) and path analysis in AMOS 23. Using a sample of 163 individuals from Mechanical Amazon Turk (MTURK), the results of the study provided evidence that the social exchange and the expectancy theoretical models can explain individuals’ intention to presentee. Hypotheses based on the norm of reciprocity were not supported. Some of the hypotheses based in expectancy theory were supported.
