"The pottery and the people of the Pethick Site in Schoharie County, Ne" by Jamie Marie Meinsen

Date of Award




Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Department of Anthropology

Content Description

1 online resource (ii, viii, 111 pages) : illustrations (some color)

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Sean M Rafferty

Committee Members

Sean M Rafferty, Christina Reith


Pottery, Slipware, Redware, Excavations (Archaeology)

Subject Categories

History of Art, Architecture, and Archaeology


In the summer of 2014, the New York State Museum Cultural Research Survey Program and the Anthropology Department at the University at Albany undertook the excavation of the Pethick Site. An archaeological field school was organized for the detection and study of the site’s Native American features associated with an agricultural village. Through the efforts of students and professional archaeologists, hundreds of Native American artifacts were found in addition to historical ceramics, glass, brick fragments, pipe stems, and metal nails. The Pethick Site produced about 58 sherds of pottery related to the time after the arrival of Europeans to the New World. Out of this sample, 57 sherds were able to be comfortable identified as either an imported ceramic type or a domestic-made ceramic type. All of the sherds were individually examined, measured, and weighed on a scale with all of the resulting information recorded on artifact report sheets that were specifically designed for this project.
