Date of Award




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Sociology

Content Description

1 online resource (iii, vii, 183 pages) : illustrations (some color)

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Steven F Messner

Committee Members

Tse-Chuan Yang, Robert E Worden


criminology, law, public policy, racial profiling, Racial profiling in law enforcement, Discrimination in law enforcement, Civil rights, Race discrimination

Subject Categories



In recent decades, racial profiling has been one of the most controversial issues in American policing. Estimates using national survey data reveal that approximately 32 million Americans report being victims of racial profiling. Federal legislation to prohibit racial profiling has been repeatedly introduced in Congress, but has not yet been enacted. In the absence of federal law to prohibit profiling, many states have adopted laws to address concerns about racial profiling within their borders. These laws encompass a variety of approaches to the problem, including prohibiting profiling, collecting data on the race and ethnicity of stopped drivers, and establishing procedures for reviewing profiling complaints. Some states also require racial profiling training for officers, create racial profiling advisory boards, or specify accountability measures for officers who engage in profiling. To date, 32 states have adopted at least one racial profiling law.

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Sociology Commons
