Date of Award




Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Department of English

Content Description

1 online resource (ii, iv, 45 pages)

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Randall Craig

Committee Members

Edward Schwarzschild


Families, Social classes

Subject Categories

English Language and Literature


I would like to write a modern-day American parallel of the first ten chapters of Howards End set in New York City and the Hudson Valley. What I find so inspiring about Howards End is that it is able to address both social and political issues distinct to pre-World War I England, as well as philosophical or even mystical issues affecting all people regardless of their class standing. It would seem that political and mystical would not easily combine, however Forster is able to show how seemingly timeless spiritual events affect everyone, and are filtered through the perspective of one’s social standing and shaped by the life events which that brings about. So while the novel is a distinctly early-twentieth century discussion of the people that shall mold the future of England, it is a discussion that because of its spiritual timelessness can be applied to all eras.
