"Working mothers' work and family satisfaction : the influence of time " by Lauren Berger

Date of Award




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology


Counseling Psychology

Content Description

1 online resource (vii, 91 pages) : illustrations (some color)

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Michael V Ellis

Committee Members

Kerrin Sendrowitz, LaRae Jome


Family Demands, Family Satisfaction, Work Demands, Work Satisfaction, Work-Family Conflict, Working Mother, Working mothers, Mothers, Work and family, Work-life balance

Subject Categories

Counseling Psychology | Women's Studies


The present study sought to examine a comprehensive model of work-family conflict and family-work conflict for working mothers. Specifically, the study tested time-based work-family conflict and time-based family-work conflict as mediators of the relations between the predictor variables of work hours, work demands, and family demands, and the outcome variables of work satisfaction and family satisfaction. It was expected that time-based work-family conflict and time-based family-work conflict would fully mediate these relations. A total of 677 working mothers in the United States participated in the study. Structural equation modeling was used to examine the hypothesized fully mediating model, as well as compare this model to a partial mediating, non-mediating, and reversal model (MacCallum, Roznowski, & Necowitz, 1992). Results demonstrated support for the hypothesized fully mediating model, and this model best captured the theory of work-family conflict (Greenhaus & Beutell, 1985). In summary, working mothers with greater work and family demands and higher work hours tended to have higher work-family conflict, and this in turn was related to lower work satisfaction. Working mothers with greater work and family demands experienced significantly higher FWC and subsequently had lower family satisfaction. Implications, strengths, limitations and directions for future research are addressed.
