The Legacy ETD collection includes all theses or dissertations submitted to ProQuest electronically between 2008 and 2022.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Bowl-shaped polyaromatic hydrocarbons (Buckybowls) : crystal packing and metal binding reactions, Alexander S. Filatov
Ecotourism, sea turtles, and livelihoods : adaptation and resistance to development and conservation in Mexico and Brazil, David Ivan Rezende Fleischer
Effect of anti-lipopolysaccharide IgA antibodies on the virulence and physiology of salmonella enterica and shigella flexneri, Stephen J. Forbes
Three-dimensional hydrogel cell culture systems for modeling neural tissue, John P. Frampton
Study of dynamic processes in protein synthesis using heterogeneous ribosome specimens, Jie Fu
The role of attachment and social support in vocational maturity, Jason Gallo
A locus-based paradigm for generating systems biological inferences from large scale functional genomics datasets, Ajish Dominic George
Quiet testimony : the ethical impulse of silence in Emerson, Douglass, Melville, and James, Shari Goldberg
The assessment of associations between organochlorine pollutants and hypertension and blood pressure among Anniston (Alabama) residents, Alexey Borislavovich Goncharov
Change and continuity in Mexico's immigration policy : how civil society organizations influence the policy process, Laura Valeria Gonzalez-Murphy
Self-esteem, self-compassion, defensive self-esteem, and related features of narcissism as predictors of aggression, Cara Pharr Gottheim
The archaeology and translation of Greek tragedy : tragedy and the emotions, Daniel Edward Gremmler
Explaining torture and its reduction in a police department : a view from below, Ahmet Guler
White institutional presence : the impact of whiteness on campus climate & the relational context of white institutional presence, Diane Lynn Gusa
Social and personal determinants of help-seeking intentions among Black college students, Janice E. Harewood
Cue reactivity in smokers, gamblers, and smoking gamblers, Kristin Kay-Kelchak Harris
Engineering identity : the negotiation of self among women engineers, Deneen M. Hatmaker
Boston naming test performance in young adults : an investigation of ethnocultural and educational factors in performance and emotional response, Julie Elizabeth Horwitz
Secondary structures and thermodynamic properties of AMPA receptor aptamers, Sabarinath Jayaseelan
Parliamentary independence in Uganda and Kenya 1962--2008, John Kendall Johnson Jr
Proactive procreation : ethical implications of new genetic technologies for parental obligations to future offspring, L Syd M. Johnson
A natural history of the mind : Edwards, Emerson, Thoreau, Melville, Michael Edmund Jonik
Identification of B-cell epitopes on domain 4 of anthrax protective antigen, Cassandra D. Kelly-Cirino
Qualitative mapping for understanding the collective judgment building process : a study of the Federal Open Market Committee, Hyunjung Kim
Machine learned melody matching using strictly relative musical abstractions, Michael Joseph Kolta
Application and extension of Glauber Ising-spin dynamics in the context of a single chain magnet system, Ryan Tucker Kristensen
Biomonitoring for exposure to trace elements in utero : analysis of the human placenta, Pamela Catherine Kruger
Physical properties of cytochromes c : 1. role of cytochrome c' as a nitric oxide carrier, 2. folding of cytochrome c, Byunghoon Lee
The influence of leader behavior patterns on leader effectiveness and follower satisfaction, Minsu Lee
Observer effects of non-sexual nipple erection and their possible reproductive advantages in human females, Amy J. Lefevre
Family literacy and digital literacies : a redefined approach to examining social practices of an African-American family, Tisha Yvette Lewis
Bootstrapping events and relations from text, Ting Liu
Adult children's experiences following mid to late life parental divorce, Joleen Rennee Loucks
Loneliness, friendship, and self-esteem : first-year college students' experience of using Facebook, Lai Lei Lou
Variance-mean relationships to analyze large survey data with application to health expenditure data, Wenli Luo
Glossolalia influences on stress response among Apostolic Pentecostals, Christopher Dana Lynn
The relationship clinical faculty training has to student teacher self-efficacy, Jennifer Leigh Maginnis
A social work intervention for children with emotional and behavioral disabilities, Julienne Magnano
Multifrequency EPR studies on copper and nitroxide complexes via Bayesian inference, density functional theory and lineshape analysis, Laxman Mainali
Essays on the macroeconomics of labor markets, Arindam Mandal
The psychotherapeutic use of imaginal dialogue, Jenny Dillman Marks
The practice of ideology : a theory of ideology and conceptual analysis of Irish Republicanism, Robert Marcello Mauro
Infected justice : the impact of HIV/AIDS on the police in Anglo-phone Sub-Saharan Africa, Nathan Carl Meehan
Evidence based videoconferencing : results of a series of quasiexperimental replication studies, Leigh Ann Mountain
The effects of parental influences on college student normative perceptions of peer alcohol use, Emily Susanne Mowry Dobran
Effects of regulatory focus and counterfactual thought on goal pursuit in achievement settings : a social cognitive perspective, Jessica Michelle Nicklin
Protecting global cities : New York, London, and the internationalization of urban counterterrorism, Brian H. Nussbaum
The influence of leader behaviors on the leader-member exchange relationship, Mark Edward O'Donnell
Toward a new mystical poetics of God in the post-mortem age : from God as the Supreme Being to God as the one-and-only being, John Francis O'Neill
Specular subjects : technologies of vision in the transatlantic novel, 1719-1850, Matthew Henry Pangborn
Continuous glucose monitoring microsensor with a nanoscale conducting matrix and redox mediator, Daniel Pesantez
Anatomical substrates of central nervous system plasticity induced by spinal cord reflex conditioning and sensorimotor cortex stimulation, Shreejith Pillai
Officers' perceptions and experiences with citizen disrespect : a cross-national analysis, William Christopher Pizio
Generation and maintenance of protective IgM responses during intracellular bacterial infection, Rachael Denise Racine
Work-family conflict and psychological distress in U.S. Latino mothers and fathers : the moderating effects of familismo and gender, Ingrid Vanessa Rodriguez
Nanocomposite thin films of Au nanoparticles embedded in yttria-stabilized zirconia for plasmonic-based harsh environment gas detection, Phillip Henry Rogers
The power of ideas : a political social-psychological theory of democracy, political development, and political communication, Danielle Rowell
Doubly curved crystal optics for monochromatic and diffraction enhanced x-ray imaging, Santosh Kumar Sahoo
A macroeconomic analysis of the sources of economic growth in India, Sohini Sahu
Empowerment-based advocacy conducted by not-for-profit organizations, Margery C. Saunders
Almost everywhere convergence of convolution measures, Anna K. Savvopoulou
Translating the transatlantic : West African literary approaches to African American identity, Kelly Opal Secovnie
Competitiveness and addictive behaviors : exploring the role of competitiveness and gender in exercise dependence, disordered eating, and alcohol use, Holly Felicia Serrao
The effects of organizational culture and climate on employee's turnover in public child welfare agencies, Miseung Shim
Multiple antibiotic resistant staphylococcus spp. in environmental settings, Stephen Shost
Domestic violence and faith communities : an exploratory study examining beliefs and experiences of Jews, non-Jews, and Rabbis, Amanda Sisselman
Essays in education economics, Kitae Sohn
"Keep going" : African Americans on the road in the era of Jim Crow, Gretchen Sullivan Sorin
The impact of environment on virulence of the pathogenic yeast Cryptococcus gattii, Deborah Jean Springer
Pathways to obesity in women : the role of coping and emotional eating, Veronica Nicole Stotts
Fishers of men : the Jesuits in Bilad al-Sham, 1625-1660, Mazin D. Tadros
Biomonitoring of perfluorochemicals in human blood, breast milk, saliva, and urine, Lin Tao
Continuing medical education for pathologists : linking commitment to change statements and reasons for participation to practice change, Jean M. Taylor
Progress towards critical dimension low vacuum scanning electron microscopy, Vasiliki Tileli
Genetically engineered repetitive polypeptides : design, synthesis, characterization, and applications, Natalya I. Topilina
Modeling peer influence and peer selection as processes, Bob Edward Vasquez
Raman spectroscopy of body fluids : a nondestructive identification technique for forensic applications, Kelly Virkler
The effects, brain targets, and mechanisms of estradiol for affective behavior, Alicia Ann Walf
Almost everywhere convergence of weighted ergodic averages, Christopher Michael Wedrychowicz
Genetic and non-genetic factors that cause inter-individual variations in CYP2A13 gene expression, Hong Wu
A case study of intended and implemented TANF policies in the New York State Bridge Program, Yi-Jung Wu
The effects of intercollegiate athletic participation on student academic achievement and leadership performance in a selective institution, Craig A. Yunker
Biotechnology for immune cell detection and evaluation : devices specifically designed to capture, detect or to evaluate alterations in leukocyte structure and function, Thomas Joseph Zieziulewicz
Impulsivity, offending, and the neighborhood : investigating the person-context nexus, Gregory M. Zimmerman