"School size and instructional leadership of elementary school principa" by Daniel E. Packard

Date of Award




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Educational Policy and Leadership

Content Description

1 online resource (vii, 101 pages) : PDF file, illustrations

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Heinz Meyer

Committee Members

Kevin Kinser, Alan Wagner


instructional leadership, principal, school size, Elementary school principals, School management and organization, Teacher-principal relationships, School size

Subject Categories

Education | Educational Administration and Supervision | Educational Leadership


Elementary school principals face a balancing act between managerial responsibilities and instructional leadership. With increasing accountability and responsibility, many principals find themselves overwhelmed, lacking the time, resources and support to be instructional leaders. In relation to school size, little has been written regarding the elementary principal and instructional leadership. This paper examines the effects of school size on instructional leadership of principals in ten elementary schools. Three of the case study sites were small schools (350 or fewer students), while the other sites were large schools (500 or more students). Serving as the unit of analysis, each principal was interviewed to examine how school size impacts his/her instructional leadership.
