Submissions from 2022
New Insights into the Effectiveness and Benefits of Student Self-Assessment, Heidi Andrade
Submissions from 2020
Enhancing response time thresholds with response behaviors for detecting disengaged examinees, Kimberly F. Colvin and Fusun Sahin
Doctor recommendations are related to patient interest and use of behavioral treatment for chronic pain and addiction, Lisa M. McAndrew, Alexandria Brunkow, Margeaux Cannon, Fiona S. Graff, Jessica L. Martin, and Leslie R.M. Hausmann
Submissions from 2019
A Critical Review of Research on Student Self-Assessment, Heidi Andrade
Psychometric properties of a Korean version of the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) in a military sample, Kimberly F. Colvin and Sung Yong Park
Coping with medically unexplained physical symptoms: The role of illness beliefs and behaviors, Lisa M. McAndrew, Nicole Sullivan, L. Alison Phillips, Wilfred R. Pigeon, Karen s. Quigley, Fiona Graff, David R. Litke, Drew A. Helmer, and Joseph F. Rath
Submissions from 2018
Concordance of Illness Representations: The Key to Improving Care of Medically Unexplained Symptoms, Lisa M. McAndrew, Myrna L. Friedlander, L. Alison Phillips, Susan L. Santos, and Drew A. Helmer
Longitudinal relationship between onset of physical symptoms and functional impairment, Lisa M. McAndrew, Drew A. Helmer, Shou-En Lu, Helena K. Chandler, Sarah Slotkin, and Karen S. Quigley
Submissions from 2017
Criteria-Referenced Formative Assessment in the Arts, Fei Chen, Angela Lui, Heidi Andrade, Christopher Valle, and Hirah Mir
Telephone-Based versus In-Person Delivery of Cognitive Behavioral Treatment for Veterans with Chronic Multisymptom Illness: A Controlled, Randomized Trial, Lisa M. McAndrew, Lauren M. Greenberg, Donald S. Ciccone, Drew A. Helmer, and Helena K. Chandler
The Common Sense of Counseling Psychology: Introducing, Lisa M. McAndrew, Jessica L. Martin, Myrna L. Friedlander, Katherine Shaffer, Jessica Y. Breland, Sarah Slotkin, and Howard Leventhal
High Healthcare Utilization at the Onset of Medically Unexplained Symptoms, Lisa M. McAndrew, L. Alison Phillips, Drew A. Helmer, Kieran J. Maestro, Charles C. Engel, Lauren M. Greenberg, Nicole Anastasides, and Karen S. Quigley
Less Engagement in Pleasure Activities is associated with poorer quality of life for Veterans with Comorbid Post-Deployment Conditions, Lisa M. McAndrew, Held F. Rachel, Abbi Bhavna, Karen S. Quigley, Drew A. Helmer, Radhika V. Pasupuleti, and Helena K. Chandler
Submissions from 2016
Breaking the silence: Disordered eating and big five traits in college men, Jessica L. Martin, Yue Li, and Albigail S. Dubovi
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans Report Symptoms Consistent with Chronic Multisymptom Illness One Year After Deployment, Lisa M. McAndrew, Drew A. Helmer, L. Alison Phillips, Helena K. Chandler, Kathleen Ray, and Karen S. Quigley
When Easy Becomes Boring and Difficult Becomes Frustrating: Disentangling the Effects of Item Difficulty Level and Person Proficiency on Learning and Motivation., Mariola Moeyaert, Kelly Wauters, Piet Desmet, and Wim Van den Noortgate
Fibromyalgia Syndrome Care of Iraq- and Afghanistan-Deployed Veterans in Veterans Health Administration, April F. Mohanty, Drew A. Helmer, Anusha Muthukutty, Lisa M. McAndrew, Marjorie E. Carter, Joshua Judd, Jennifer H. Garvin, Mathew H. Samore, and Adi V. Gundlapalli
Applications of Peer Assessment and Self-Assessment in Music, Christopher Valle, Heidi Andrade, Maria Palma, and Joanna Hefferen
Submissions from 2013
Teachers’ and Administrators’ Use of Evidence of Student Learning to Take Action: Conclusions Drawn from a Special Issue on Formative Assessment, Heidi Andrade and M. Christina Schneider
Submissions from 2012
Engaging Youth in Evaluation: Using Clickers for Data Collection, Gabriel L. Schlomer
Submissions from 2011
Exploring the Construct Validity of Academic Self-Regulation Using a New Self-Report Questionnaire – the Survey of Academic Self-Regulation, Heidi L. Andrade and Ronald F. Dugan
Changes in Protective Behavioral Strategies and Alcohol Use among College Students, Jessica Martin and M. Dolores Cimini
The Evolving Role of Youth Workers, Gabriel L. Schlomer, Lynne M. Borden, and Christine Bracamonte Wiggs
Submissions from 2009
Promoting Learning and Achievement Through Self-Assessment, Heidi Andrade and Anna Valtcheva
Rubric-Referenced Self-Assessment and Self-Efficacy for Writing, Heidi Andrade, Xiaolei Wang, Ying Du, and Robin L. Akawi
Submissions from 2007
Student Responses to Criteria Referenced Self-assessment, Heidi Andrade and Ying Du
Submissions from 2005
Student Perspectives on Rubric-Referenced Assessment, Heidi L. Andrade and Ying Du
Submissions from 2001
The Effects of Instructional Rubrics on Learning to Write, Heidi Goodrich Andrade