New Insights into the Effectiveness and Benefits of Student Self-Assessment
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By asking their students to complete self-assessment exercises, educators can encourage the development of their students. These methods rely on a student’s ability to evaluate their own skills, knowledge, and other qualities, and use their self-assessment to make improvements. Professor Heidi L. Andrade at the University of Albany recently reviewed 76 empirical studies focusing on student self-assessment. Her review paper offers interesting insights about the effectiveness of self-assessment and its association with achievement and self-regulated learning.
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Recommended Citation
Andrade, Heidi, "New Insights into the Effectiveness and Benefits of Student Self-Assessment" (2022). Educational & Counseling Psychology Faculty Scholarship. 23.
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Posted with permission. The version of record can be found here: Andrade, H. (2022). New insights into the effectiveness and benefits of student self-assessment [Audio podcast episode]. SciPod.
Original Article Reference
This SciPod is a summary of the paper ‘A Critical Review of Research on Student Self-Assessment’, from Frontiers in Education. DOI: