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The authors investigated the relation between long- and short-term rubric use (including self-assessment), gender, and self-efficacy for writing by elementary and middle school students (N = 268). They measured long-term rubric use with a questionnaire. They manipulated short-term rubric use by a treatment that involved reviewing a model and using a rubric to self-assess drafts. The authors collected self efficacy ratings 3 times. Results revealed that girls’ self-efficacy was higher than boys’ self-efficacy before they began writing. The authors found interactions between gender and rubric use: Average self-efficacy ratings increased as students wrote, regardless of condition, but the increase in the self-efficacy of girls in the treatment group was larger than that for girls in the comparison group, and long-term rubric use associated only with the self-efficacy of girls.
Recommended Citation
Andrade, Heidi; Wang, Xiaolei; Du, Ying; and Akawi, Robin L., "Rubric-Referenced Self-Assessment and Self-Efficacy for Writing" (2009). Educational Theory and Practice Faculty Scholarship. 13.
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This is the Author's Accepted Manuscript of a peer reviewed paper.
Andrade, H., *Wang, X., *Du, Y., & *Akawi, R. (2009). Rubric-referenced self-assessment and self-efficacy for writing. The Journal of Educational Research, 102(4), 287-302.