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Using correlation, factor, regression, and reliability analyses, this research explored thenature of Academic Self-Regulation (ASR) while simultaneously establishing the construct validity of a new self-report questionnaire; the Survey of Academic Self-Regulation (SASR). The SASR was pilot-tested (N = 205) and cross-validated (N = 491) on samples of college students from upstate New York. Exploratory factor analyses were used to both extract a six factor structure from the SASR (Extrinsic Motivation, Intrinsic Motivation,Metacognition, Personal Relevance and Control, Self-Efficacy, and Self-Regulation) and to explore the current state of the ASR construct. The Learning and Study Strategies Inventory and Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire were used as comparison instruments in a modified multitrait (correlation) matrix to establish convergent and discriminant validity for the SASR factors. Regression analyses also provided support for construct validity by establishing relationships between the SASR factors and achievement(GPA). Complex relationships were found through the use of polynomial and interaction regression.


Publisher Acknowledgment

Dugan, R., & Andrade, H. (2011). Exploring the construct validity of academic self-regulation using a new self-report questionnaire – the Survey of Academic Self-Regulation. The International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment, 7(1), 45-63.

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