Date of Award

Spring 5-2020

Document Type

Honors Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts



Advisor/Committee Chair

Raymond Van Ness, Ph.D.


I came to the University at Albany intending to study accounting. While here I decided to add communication as a minor and was privileged to enroll in courses beyond the scope of, yet still relatable to, accounting. Such courses include the Theory of Organizational Communication, Studies in Public Persuasion - Communication in Professional Contexts, and Conference and Group Leadership all taught by Dr. Patricia Gettings; another was Environmental Economics taught by Mary Mallia. Throughout my time at the University at Albany, one of my favorite educational experiences has been when I am able to make connections between classes and across disciplines and further relate those connections to the world outside of the classroom. The feeling associated with this motivates me and excites me about the possibilities of where my degree can lead me. As someone who grew up minutes from the beach and who spent every Sunday of my childhood running wild on a potato farm, I have a strong relationship with nature and the environment. The connections I have made between what I have learned in accounting, communication, and my personal interests have inspired my research. In this research paper I explore how the history of accounting developed into what it is today, how communication plays a role in shifting the paradigm associated with business and the environment and how this shift might save the planet.
