"MRT Supportive Housing Evaluation: Outcomes Report 2, Volume 1: Pre-Po" by Sandra McGinnis, Lauren Polvere et al.

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This report details current changes in health-related outcomes among clients of programs sponsored by the New York State Medicaid Redesign Team’s Supportive Housing initiative (MRT-SH), including a summary of these projects and the Medicaid cost characteristics of the people enrolled. MRT-SH initiatives to date include 53 capital projects, 25 of which have opened; 18 rental subsidy and supportive services programs and pilots; and one accessibility modification program.

For each included MRT-SH program, Medicaid utilization and other outcomes data are presented from one year before participants’ enrollment through September 2017. The goal of the analysis is to provide an updated description of the wellbeing of clients before and after program enrollment.



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