"Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment Program (DSRIP): Final Interi" by Center for Human Services Research, University at Albany

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New York’s Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) program is the main mechanism by which the state is implementing its Section 1115 Medicaid Redesign Team (MRT) Demonstration Waiver Amendment. The DSRIP program intentions are to achieve the triple-aim of improving health care quality, improving health, and reducing costs by fundamentally restructuring New York’s health care delivery system through investments in the Medicaid program and participating providers. Its primary stated goal is to reduce avoidable inpatient and emergency department hospital use by 25% over five years, with broader goals of sustainable system transformation and improvements in population health.

New York’s Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment (DSRIP) program is the main mechanism by which the state is implementing its Section 1115 Medicaid Redesign Team (MRT) Demonstration Waiver Amendment. The DSRIP program intentions are to achieve the triple-aim of improving health care quality, improving health, and reducing costs by fundamentally restructuring New York’s health care delivery system through investments in the Medicaid program and participating providers. Its primary stated goal is to reduce avoidable inpatient and emergency department hospital use by 25% over five years,3 with broader goals of sustainable system transformation and improvements in population health.

  • Assess program effectiveness on a statewide level, with respect to the MRT triple-aim;
  • Obtain information on the effectiveness of specific projects and strategies selected and the factors associated with program success; and
  • Obtain feedback from stakeholders, including PPS administrators and providers and Medicaid members served under the DSRIP program, regarding the program’s planning and implementation, and on the health care service experience under DSRIP reforms.

Evaluation results are reported regularly to the PPS, the New York State Department of Health (NYS DOH), and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). This report serves as the interim evaluation covering implementation and process through the middle of Demonstration Year (DY) 4 (October 2018), and outcomes through Measurement Year (MY) 3 (June 2017). A final report, to be released in 2021, will include findings from the last two years of the DSRIP program, and the overall outcomes of the program.



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