"MRT Supportive Housing Evaluation: Final Report on Targeting of MRT-SH" by Sandra McGinnis, Lauren Polvere et al.

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Targeting Report 2 will examine client characteristics, their relationships to one another and their relationship to cost savings relative to a Comparison group in order to determine how NYSDOH might tailor its targeting practices to optimize future cost savings and benefits to participants.

Currently, there is the following prioritization menu that MRT-SH programs are encouraged to use in targeting their services:

  • 2 or more hospital inpatient stays
  • 5 or more emergency department (ED) visits
  • 1 inpatient stay and 4 ED visits
  • In top 20% of Medicaid spending
  • Health home enrollment or outreach
  • Nursing home stay

There are no diagnostic requirements for MRT-SH overall, but specific MRT-SH programs are diagnosis-specific and/or have other eligibility requirements.



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