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The presenters will share the results of a 2021 survey of the academic library members of the Association of Research Libraries to determine how information technology services are organized within the libraries and whether there is a trend toward centralizing IT activities at the institution level. Survey findings from the 72 responding libraries address 14 information technology services and activities and identify who is responsible for their technology services, their level of satisfaction with the services, whether the responsibility for them has changed recently, and if so, why. Respondents also provided information about IT assessment and top three challenges. The presenters will reflect on trends in service delivery and make recommendations for assessing these critical services. Although the survey targeted research libraries, findings will also be relevant to public and small and mid-size academic libraries.
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Recommended Citation
Mugridge, Rebecca L. and Waterhouse, Janetta, "Benchmarking IT services in academic libraries" (2023). University Libraries Faculty Scholarship. 201.
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