"Mexican technological universities : pursuing reform and new public-pr" by Jorge Gamaliel Arenas-Basurto

Date of Award




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Educational Policy and Leadership

Content Description

1 online resource (xv, 216 pages) : PDF file, illustrations (some color)

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Daniel C. Levy

Committee Members

Gilbert A. Valverde, Alan Wagner


entrepreneurial universities, finance of universities, Mexico's Higher Education, public private funding, reform of universities, Technological Universities, Educational fund raising, Technical institutes

Subject Categories

Education | Education Economics | Higher Education


Although unstable funding of Mexico's public universities is a critical problem faced each year by these institutions that struggle to negotiate increments in their fiscal revenues, most public universities have still not been able to increase sizably their share of self generating revenues to mitigate, to some degree, the impact of public shortages. Different paths to financial reforms have been encouraged by Mexican authorities in order to modify the pervasive statist tradition in the funding of public universities. In the last decades, authorities have promoted funding tools aimed at modifying the incremental budgeting of most universities, encouraging them to diversify their sources of funding. While this sort of gradual reform in public funding prevails in the university sector, in the non-university sector a promising alternative to this pattern of funding arose, proposed by Technological Universities (UTs), short cycle institutions created in 1991, purported to obtain an equal share of public and private funding.
