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The Index to the Albany Times Union is an index to the final edition of the Times Union of Albany, New York. The Index provides access to news articles about Albany as well as the cities, towns, and counties of New York's Capital District. Items of statewide, national, and International focus are indexed only when there is local or regional impact. Access to editorials, opinion pieces, and letters-to-the-editor is limited. Only major crime and traffic accident reports are indexed. Daily sports and athletic events are not included. Births, engagements, marriages, divorces, wedding anniversaries, and announcements of events and attractions are not indexed. There is a separate section for obituaries
Recommended Citation
Knee, Michael, "Index to the Albany Times Union, 1990" (1998). University Libraries Faculty Scholarship. 75.
Terms of Use
This work is made available under the Scholars Archive Terms of Use.
The 1990 Index was issued with copyright to the compiler, Michael Knee. This University at Albany Scholars Archive version is issued with a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) license.
Knee, Michael. Index to the Albany Times Union, 1990. Elsmere, NY: Margaux & Amber Publications, 1998.