"Informing and Extending the Draft ACRL Information Literacy Framework " by Craig Gibson and Trudi E. Jacobson

Informing and Extending the Draft ACRL Information Literacy Framework for Higher Education: An Overview and Avenues for Research

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The draft ACRL Framework for Infor- mation Literacy for Higher Education (http://acrl.ala.org/ilstandards/) has been developed for a world that has changed radically since the turn of the 21st century. It responds to (and challenges) some information-related habits, understand- ings, and behaviors of students. It ac- knowledges the vast array of information formats and modes of delivery, and the ease of finding something about almost anything. This fundamental change in availability and access, and the behaviors it engenders, demands a new approach to the essential underpinnings of in- formation literacy. In addition to being information consumers, students are now content creators, though often without recognizing both the attendant possibili- ties and responsibilities. These roles span students’ lives, from the academic to the personal, and while the Framework focuses on the former, quotidian needs are woven throughout the materials that comprise the toolkit.



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