Author ORCID Identifier
Lauren Puzier Rebecca Nous
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The University at Albany Libraries has integrated visually compelling, subject-based Curated Collections into its discovery tool, Primo VE. These collections encompass resources on specific subjects, that highlight authors or groups, celebrate a genre, or that bring together a variety of resources to address campus initiatives, current events, or popular research topics. Curated Collections is an opportunity for the Libraries' to highlight what is special, new, trending, important, or underappreciated in our collections. We propose this project as a virtual browsing model to fuel intellectual curiosity, and seek to explore similar initiatives at attendees’ libraries.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
Puzier, Lauren and Nous, Rebecca A., "From Stacks to Screens: Creating a Virtual Browsing Experience" (2023). University Libraries Faculty Scholarship. 194.
Terms of Use
This work is made available under the Scholars Archive Terms of Use.
This is a presentation given at the 2023 Eastern New York/Association of College and Research Libraries Annual Conference: Re-imagining the Library.
Puzier, L. M. & Nous, R. A. (2023, May 18) From Stacks to Screens: Creating a Virtual Browsing Experience [Conference presentation]. 2023 Eastern New York/Association of College and Research Libraries Conference: Re-imagining the Library, Oneonta, NY.