Author ORCID Identifier
Lauren Puzier:
Rebecca Nous:
Document Type
Publication Date
"Is Facebook down" trended on Google, October 4, 2021, when Facebook became temporarily globally unavailable. Web-users proactively seek information when they encounter issues online. System statuses are one way libraries can leverage this behavior to share changes to resources or services and improve transparency, reference, and the user experience.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
Puzier, Lauren and Nous, Rebecca A., "What does innovation look like? System statuses in discovery" (2022). University Libraries Faculty Scholarship. 184.
Terms of Use
This work is made available under the Scholars Archive Terms of Use.
This session was accepted for one of a very small number of live, mainstage sessions: 'What does innovation look like?' presented on the conference Live Stream platform.
Nous, R., & Puzier, L. M. (2022, March 14–17). System statuses in discovery [Conference presentation]. Electronic Resources & Libraries Annual Conference. [Peer-reviewed]