Author ORCID Identifier

Trudi Jacobson:

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Metaliteracy is an essential literacy for today’s complex and oftentimes deceptive information environment. The origins of the metaliteracy model emerged in response to revolutionary changes in a connected world and the need to reconceptualize information literacy for a broader impact on learning. The theory of metaliteracy involves the intersection of core components that include learner domains, active learner roles, characteristics or qualities, and associated goals and learning objectives. This model is applied when individuals engage with and reflect upon these components to realize their active responsibilities as participants in social settings. This paper describes several examples of how metaliteracy is embedded in teaching praxis through open educational resources (OER) that include interactive learning objects and digital badging content as well as fully developed Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Specifically, these metaliteracy OER have been applied by the authors in an information literacy course at the University at Albany, SUNY, as well as online courses in the Digital Arts at SUNY Empire State College. Although this descriptive approach is limited, it demonstrates the potential for future research into the impact of metaliteracy theory and practice on student’s perceived learning.


Paper presented at the European Conference on Information Literacy (ECIL) 2021 but not included in the proceedings.

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