Document Type
Research Project
Publication Date
There are over 6,500 students at the University at Albany who live off-campus and commute to school. In order to reduce their carbon footprint, the University at Albany must investigate what influences the students’ transportation choices and their alternative transportation literacy. Therefore, the Office of Environmental Sustainability, Geography and Urban Planning Department and the Office of Institutional Research, Planning and Effectiveness conducted a survey in the fall of 2013 for the students at the University at Albany. After examining the results, the gender and minority distributions were not representative of the student population. The significant associations that were prominent were gender and driving alone, commute distance and CDTA bus and UAlbany shuttle bus usage, and commute distance and carpooling. Specific areas where the University at Albany can investigate and improve transportation efficiency are bus routes and schedules for student who commute less than 5 miles to school. Students that commute greater than 5 miles have expressed that they are unable to find carpooling partners and therefore the University at Albany should establish a carpooling database. Males are also more likely to commute alone and should be targeted to promote awareness and behavioral change.
Recommended Citation
Drasser, Cassidy, "A Chi-Square Analysis of the Fall 2013 Transportation Survey: Students at the University at Albany" (2015). Publications. 5.
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