Author ORCID Identifier

Meredith Weiss:

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date





Understanding political norms in Southeast Asia requires conceptualising the domain in which politicians, activists, and ordinary citizens exercise and challenge them: political space. We focus here on domestic political space, particularly that in which individuals and organisations champion alternatives to prevailing norms of state and market. This terrain is highly, perennially mutable. In it, we find an array of non-state organisations, from trade unions to non-governmental organisations, as well as media (including online and social media), and a range of structures and associations not inherently political, but potentially so, such as religious bodies. In this chapter, we consider, first, the character of political space, as it extends over both a real-world and virtual landscape; second, who claims or defines that space, and in what ways; and third, how past engagement shapes the discursive and strategic environment for subsequent efforts.


This is the publisher's pdf. The Version of Record can be found here: Hansson, E., Weiss, M.L. (2024). The Contested Domain of Political Space in Southeast Asia. In: Facal, G., Lafaye de Micheaux, E., Norén-Nilsson, A. (eds) C. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore.



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