Document Type
Policy Document
Publication Date
Fall 11-2006
This paper examines the participation of Latinos in the electoral process in New York State. It describes key features of the demographic and political context in which Latino participation takes place and provides an analysis of the Latino presence and role during the 2004 campaign. The paper also includes an analysis of Latino registration and turn-out patterns in the presidential race. Most of the literature on Latinos in New York quite sensibly focuses on activities in New York City. This paper for the first time analyses Latino registration, turnout, and voting patterns in the state as a whole. The patterns of participation we found statewide suggest that when thinking about Latino politics in New York it is inappropriate to see New York state as simply New York City writ large. We conclude that naturalization, enfran-chisement of Latino felons, and a more aggressive practice of quid pro quo politics are three elements that Latino leaders, activists, and elected officials in New York ought to consider to invigorate the Latino electorate, to increase Latino political representation, and to promote the socioeconomic well-being of the community throughout the state.
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Recommended Citation
Cruz, José; Ferradino, Cecilia; and Friedman, Sally, "Latino Voting in the 2004 Election: The Case of New York" (2006). Policy Documents. 6.
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