Document Type
Policy Document
Publication Date
Spring 2009
The study presented in this report explored the health and mental health of Latinas in small cities in upstate New York focusing on specific health and mental health indicators. The specific research questions addressed by this study were:1. What are some of the key health issues among Latinas in small cities?2. What are some of the most important mental health issues among Latinas in small cities? The study presented in this report offers legislators, public agencies, community organizations, and the media some baseline, preliminary information for strategic discussions of the health and mental health needs of Latinas in small cities in Upstate New York. Indeed, it underscores the urgent need to address the historically invisible status of Latinas in the health policy arena.
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Recommended Citation
Ramos, Blanca M. and Jurkowski, Janine M., "Latinas in Small Cities in Upstate New York: Health and Mental Health Issues" (2009). Policy Documents. 18.
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