"Experiences Using Health Care among Latinas in the Capital Region of N" by Janine M. Jurkowski and Blanca Ramos

Document Type

Policy Document

Publication Date

Spring 2009


This report presents data from a quantitative study carried out in 2007 among Latino women living in Albany, Schenectady, Montgomery, and Rensselaer Counties. A community-based convenience sampling strategy was employed because of the difficulty in identifying a sample of Latinas in the Capital District region. Latinos make up a much smaller proportion, albeit growing proportion, of the population in the Capital Region compared to New York City. Unlike major cities or areas of high concentration of Latinos, there are no large regions or neighborhoods in the Capital Region known to have a concentration of Latinos. This study’s sample was recruited through churches, Latino organizations, and work sites known to be frequented by Latino women. Although this is not a representative sample, this report will present an up-to-date and more comprehensive look at the demographics of Latino women in the Capital Region, where there is a growing Latino population.

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