Document Type
Policy Document
Publication Date
Spring 2010
This qualitative case study explored how New York’s in-state tuition policy is being implemented for undocumented immigrants at two community colleges within the City University of New York (CUNY) system. This investigation discovered that CUNY has devoted its own resources in the development of workshops, training sessions, manuals, and centers to assist in the implementation of this measure. Also, this study found that — while these colleges and CUNY overall have made a commitment towards the successful implementation of this policy — undocumented immigrants still face barriers in obtaining in-state tuition rates. The objective of this investigation is to under-stand how New York’s in-state tuition policy is being implemented for undocumented immi-grants. To explore this phenomenon, two groups of individuals were interviewed, state-3Spring 2010 NYLARNet 9 level officials6 and local-level officials.7 While no undocumented immigrants were requested to participate, the perception of that group was gathered from local-level officials. The in-sights of both sets of officials will provide a glimpse into how each has been involved with or affected by the manner in which this policy has been shaped and implemented for this specific population.
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Recommended Citation
Nienhusse, H. Kenny and Dougherty, Kevin J., "Implementation of College In-State Tuition for Undocumented Immigrants in New York" (2010). Policy Documents. 12.
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