The Legacy ETD collection includes all theses or dissertations submitted to ProQuest electronically between 2008 and 2022.
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Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Association between antiretroviral therapy and severe COVID-19 outcomes among hospitalized HIV positive people with SARS-Cov-2 in NYS, Aizhan Kyzayeva
Institutionalized normative heterosexuality : the case of sexual fluidity, Nicole Lamarre
Executive functioning in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes : associations with HbA1c, glycemic variability, and household income, Victoria Louise Ledsham
Economic policy and equality : neoliberalism and gender equity in Latin America since the 1970s, Donnett Annmarie Lee
Three essays in health economics, Jun Soo Lee
Visions and seeds of change : pathways to defining and seeking liberation, Ramon Kentrell Lee
A synoptic-dynamic analysis of the structure and evolution of persistent north Pacific wintertime ridge regimes, Tyler Christopher Leicht
Stubbornly merging discrete vector fields, Douglas W. Lenseth
A role perspective of workplace procrastination, Boran Li
Multiple imputation in high-dimensional data with variable selection, Qiushuang Li
Spatial diffusion of immigrants and children's academic performance in the United States, Yuanfei Li
Development and applications of touch chemistry biometrics analysis of latent fingermarks by Maldi-Ms, Cameron M. Longo
Educational materials and image induction increase treatment credibility, Zi Ling Fiona Low
Government, citizen, and social media : understanding police-citizen interaction on Weibo in China, Yumeng Luo
The influence of loneliness : mental health's impact on workaholism among graduate students, Bhindai Mahabir
Three essays in health economics, Mir Nahid Mahmud
First homoleptic rare rarth metal complexes with doubly-reduced dibenzocyclooctatetraene, James C. Mahoney
Genres, communities, and practices, Evan Malone
Translation control tunes drosophila oogenesis, Elliot T. Martin
Evaluating the relationship between orthorexia nervosa, eating disorder symptomatology, and related psychological constructs in an undergraduate mixed-gender sample, Kimberly Marie Martinez
Probability distributions of the scalar potential, Candace Mathews
Describing participation in veteran peer support : a secondary analysis of women veterans' experiences, Amanda L. Matteson
Space weather and criminal violence : a longitudinal analysis of major US urban areas, Richard Mcmillan
Maker programs in preK-12 school libraries : identifying the drivers and consequences, Shannon Mersand
Savoring as a protective behavioral strategy for cannabis use, Maha Noor Mian
Parenting profiles in families of children with autism spectrum disorder : a cluster analytic approach, Anna Milgramm
Essays on technology and the labor market with search models, Soonhong Min
Large-scale flow patterns conducive to Central American extreme precipitation events during autumn, Alexander Kyle Mitchell
Interpersonal forgiveness is the recognition that justice is attained, Raphael Faith Moser
Salivary gland stromal heterogeneity and epithelial controls, Nicholas L. Moskwa
Megacity : a reservoir of toxic environmental contaminants and health disease burden, Omosehin Daniel Moyebi
Turning density functional theory calculations into molecular mechanics simulations : establishing the fluctuating density model for RNA nucleobases, Christopher A. Myers
A patchwork community : exploring belonging, gender roles, and God's gifts among progressive American Mennonites, Christa D. Mylin
Food environment, food acquisition behavior, and fruit and vegetable consumption among Burmese immigrants and refugees : a socio-ecological study, Hnin Wai Lwin Myo
Prairie ashes : a novel, Benjamin Nadler
Inhibition of lysine acetyltransferases KAT 3A/3B and its effect on poliovirus proliferation, Eduards Norkvests
Essays on career progression among the underrepresented in academic biomedicine, Allison Nunez
Essentialism predicts attitudes toward gender non-binary people, Tianny Stephanie Ocasio
Neural correlates and neuroanatomy of juvenile and adult contextual fear memory retention, Natalie Odynocki
Soil from footwear is a newly rediscovered type of forensic evidence due to the application of modern analytical techniques : a review, Rhilynn Haley Ogilvie
The role of White guilt and White shame in awareness of privilege and anti-racism, Lynsay Paiko
Maternal antifungal use during pregnancy : a study of prevalence of use and the risk of birth defects, Eleni A. Papadopoulos
Decision-making accuracy at the classwide level, Alexandra Payne
Video chatting and eating disorder psychopathology, Taylor Rae Perry
Regulation of a shared focus in open-ended collaborative inquiry, Simona Pesaresi
An entropic approach to dynamics, Pedro Henrique Moreira Pessoa
Does mattering matter? : an analysis of mattering and persistence rates of EOP and non-EOP students, Glenn David Pichardo
Comparison of 2018-2021 tropical cyclone track forecasts before and after NOAA G-IV missions, Melissa Piper
The communicative capacities of the medical discourse in authoritarian societies : the case of AIDS in Iran, Elham Pourtaher
A GIS approach to landscape scale archaeoacoustics, Kristy Elizabeth Primeau
Phase and dark field radiography and CT with mesh-based structured illumination and polycapillary optics, Uttam Pyakurel
An exploration of the relationship between social-emotional well-being and health behaviors of urban youth, Nelia Mayreilys Quezada
Amyloid fibril formation and polymorphism : a critical role of sulfur-containing amino acid residues, Tatiana QuiƱones-Ruiz
ACT5 EIT system : a multiple-source electrical impedance tomography system, Omid Rajabi Shishvan
PRESTO : fast and effective group closeness maximization, Baibhav L. Rajbhandari
Three essays in health economics, Savita Ramaprasad
Poetry and thought's revealing, Evan Reardon
Examining the potential of epigenetic age to mediate the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and locus of control using the ALSPAC cohort, Christopher Reddy
Signal yields and detector modeling in xenon time projection chambers, and results of an effective field theory dark matter search using LUX data, Gregory Ransford Carl Rischbieter
Black-white interracial contact and anti-racist activism : what promotes action in white Americans?, Katheryn Lucille Roberson
Fluorescent biosensors : engineering and applications, Monica Rodriguez
Cis-acting super-enhancer lncRNAs as biomarkers to early-stage breast cancer, Ali Salman Ropri
The spirit of Cancun : basic needs and development during the Cold War, Christian Ruth
The Albany Answers Plant Incinerator : environmental justice and slow violence at the New York State Capital, Matthew D. Saddlemire
U.S. health professionals' perspectives on orthorexia nervosa : clinical utility, measurement and diagnosis, and perceived influence of sociocultural factors, Christina Sanzari
Exploring the response to arsenic using tRNA modification detection, writer mediated protection and codon usage analytics, Anwesha Sarkar
Effects of metal and polychlorinated biphenyls exposures and fish consumption on cognitive function in adults, Nozomi Sasaki
Intolerance of uncertainty specific to compulsive exercise : development and preliminary validation of the exercise-specific intolerance of uncertainty scale, Christina Scharmer
Therapist facilitative interpersonal skills in simulated text-based telepsychotherapy with cultural minority clients, Carly Max Schwartzman
Literacy and COVID-19 : elementary students' reading performance through a global pandemic, Emmett Mcgregor Schweiger
The differential influence of maltreatment subtype and age of exposure on empathy, Kate L. Senich
Three essays on creative industries, Yue Sheng
UiO-type metal-organic framework derivatives as sorbents for the detection of gas-phase explosives, Matthew Ryan Sherrill
Role of H3K4 methylation in myogenesis, regeneration, and muscle disease / narrative competence and cognitive mapping as a culturally sustaining pedagogy in the education of emergent bilinguals, Hannah Emily Shippas
Explaining the NRAs radical transformation : the role of identity and strategy in discursive boundary work and the emergence of sub-group dominance, William A. Sisk
Development of nucleic acid diagnostics for targeted and non-targeted biosensing, Christopher William Smith
Preference for harmony : a link between aesthetic responses to combinations of colors and musical tones, Sijia Song
Cheating detection in a privacy preserving driving style recognition protocol, Ethan Sprissler
Constructing and constraining mobility at the new university, Rachel Sullivan
Essays on firm productivity and innovation, Won Sung
Does coworker support buffer the impact of work interruptions on well-being?, Ruyue Sun
The urban heat island of Bengaluru, India : characteristics, trends, and mechanisms, Heather Samantha Sussman
Photopolymers : environmentally benign technology for a variety of industries, Tatyana Tarasevich
An evaluation of demographic and clinical characteristics of youths enrolled in two residential treatment programs, Monelle Shemique Thomas
The racial and partisan underpinnings of attitudes toward police in a time of protest, Andrew Thompson
Applying the strategic self-regulation model to tone acquisition in Mandarin : a case study, Adele Laurie Touhey
Child protection policy dimensions across Catholic archdioceses and civil statutes : a comparative content analysis, Jeffrey Trant
System measurements for x-ray phase and diffraction imaging, Erik Wolfgang Tripi
Genomic epidemiology of clinical salmonella enterica in New Hampshire, 2017-2020, Madison R. Turcotte
A mixed methods exploration of fairness issues in algorithmic policing systems, Emmanuel Sebastian Udoh
X ray phase and coherent scatter imaging measurements, Mahboob Ur Rehman
Hal : a romance, Janna Urschel
Calculational methods in conformal field theory, Thomas Andrew Vandermeulen
Generation Z : who are they and what do they expect from student affairs on campus?, Mary Elizabeth Wake