Date of Award




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Public Administration and Policy

Content Description

1 online resource (iii, 168 pages)

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Victor Asal

Committee Members

R. Karl Rethemeyer, James Steiner


Intelligence analysis, Intelligence education, Intelligence training, Security and intelligence studies, National security, Internal security, Intelligence officers, International relations

Subject Categories

International Relations | Public Policy


This dissertation consists of four essays. These essays challenge and build on existing scholarly study, filling critical research gaps--normative, empirical, and practical. The dissertation's critical literature review (Essay 1) identifies limits and needs in the field, also serving to situate the other three essays. Essay 2 urges a more precise dialogue on academic competencies for intelligence students, also discussing issues associated with designing and evaluating academic intelligence curricula on the basis of ODNI Core Competencies. It then offers a mechanism to help academic programs mitigate the narrow faculty expertise and "amateurism" issues noted in the literature. Essay 3 evaluates U.S. graduate programs in security and intelligence studies on the basis of advanced methodology and models. These are seen as critical but lacking knowledge sets in U.S. intelligence organizations, with some speculating that higher education is largely to blame. Essay 4 looks beyond the Anglo world to academic intelligence education in other parts of the globe. In addition to profiling these programs, tentative causal and comparative dimensions are explored in the final essay. The dissertation opens with a discussion of key study objectives and findings.
