"Do it because I said so ... please? : the connection between superviso" by Ellen Weissblum

Date of Award




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Psychology


Industrial/Organizational Psychology

Content Description

1 online resource (xii, 174 pages) : illustrations (some color)

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Sylvia Roch

Committee Members

Marcus Crede, Kevin Williams


Coercive Power, Interpersonal Justice, Legitimate Power, Politeness, Reactance, Referent Power, Industrial relations, Supervisors, Employee motivation, Interpersonal relations, Courtesy

Subject Categories

Organizational Behavior and Theory | Psychology | Social Psychology


The purpose of this set of studies was to investigate the linkage between interpersonally just or unjust behavior on the part of a supervisor and the perception of referent, coercive, and legitimate power as perceived by subordinates. It was proposed that lower levels of interpersonal justice on the part of a supervisor would result in the perception that the supervisor possessed a greater degree of coercive power and a lower degree of referent power. It was furthermore proposed that, consistent with prior research, referent power would be positively related to task commitment; coercive power would be positively related to reactance; and legitimate power would be positively related to compliance. Additionally, the personality variable of Social Dominance Orientation was proposed as a moderator of the relationships between interpersonal justice and power perception; and between power perception and commitment, compliance, and reactance.
