Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Department of Education Theory and Practice
Curriculum and Instruction
Content Description
1 online resource (xii, 274 pages) : PDF file, illustrations (some color)
Dissertation/Thesis Chair
Carla Meskill
Committee Members
Jane M Agee, Jennie Dautermann
academic discourse, cross-cultural communication, culture, international student, online learning, Vygotsky, Students, Foreign, Distance education, College students, Acculturation, Web-based instruction, Learning, Psychology of
Subject Categories
Curriculum and Instruction | Educational Technology | Higher Education
This study explored the learning experiences of international students in fully online courses offered through a US university. Employing a sociocultural framework, particularly ideas put forward by Russian psychologists L. Vygotsky and American scholars R. Scollon and S. W. Scollon, the study examined the interplay of host and native cultures in an online learning environment and studied its effect on international students' learning experiences, specifically on the learning experiences of one focal student from China.
Recommended Citation
Sadykova, Gulnara, "Learning experiences of international students in online course : mixed methods study" (2012). Legacy Theses & Dissertations (2009 - 2024). 755.
Included in
Curriculum and Instruction Commons, Educational Technology Commons, Higher Education Commons