Date of Award




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Information Science

Content Description

1 online resource (xii, 388 pages) : illustrations (some color), map.

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

David F. Andersen

Committee Members

Gary S. Kleppel


development assistance, fish farming, integrated coastal management, marine policy, policy informatics, system dynamics, Coastal ecology, Coastal zone management, Marine ecosystem management

Subject Categories

Environmental Sciences | Library and Information Science | Public Policy


Those advocating for effective management of the use of coastal areas and ecosystems have long aspired for an approach to governance that includes information systems with the capability to predict the end results of various courses of action, monitor the impacts of decisions and compare results with those predicted by computer models in order to suggest alterations in the actions needed if the goals are not being achieved. This dissertation draws on system dynamics modeling, content analysis and professional experience to explore four decades of experience in the United States as well as international cases to reveal lessons and strategies for putting into practice the systematic approach sought by advocates of ecosystem-based management of the nation's, and the worlds coasts and marine areas. Simulations are used to examine the implications of program structure and policy choices in state-level coastal regulatory programs, decisions on a controversial use of marine areas: offshore fish farming, and the ongoing quest for more effective approaches to attaining local success in the sustainable use of coastal resources in poor countries.
