Date of Award




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Educational Policy and Leadership

Content Description

1 online resource (ix, 144 pages) : PDF file, illustrations

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Kathryn Schiller

Committee Members

Alan Wagner, Barbara Nagler


AYP, Collective Efficacy, Professional Development, SASS, Self-efficacy, Teachers, Teacher effectiveness

Subject Categories

Educational Administration and Supervision | Educational Leadership | Education Policy


This quantitative study used the Schools and Staffing Survey of 2007-2008, a school-based stratified probability-proportionate-to-size sample of all American schools, to explore the relationships of professional development to teachers' self- and collective efficacy by school accountability status as measured by adequate yearly progress (AYP). In addition to comparing professional development hours by teacher and school demographic characteristics, linear regression models were used to determine differences among three AYP groups: those who failed to achieved AYP the previous two years and were in Improvement status, those who failed to achieve AYP the previous year, and those who achieved AYP. Key findings indicate few teachers received extensive professional development in all areas, professional development's impact varied by AYP status, and administrative support was viewed as instrumental in impacting self- and collective efficacy. Implications involve increased support of professional development for teachers at all system levels and policies that ensure this learning in preservice and leadership training programs. This support is vital in considering the level of professional development that principals, in particular, will need to provide to teachers for increased rigor called for through the Common Core Learning Standards and the revised Annual Professional Performance Review as part of the revised New York State Education Commissioner's Regulations. Both clear district level leadership and building level leadership are of primary importance and needed for the high level of sustained professional development necessary to change teacher practice.
