Date of Award




Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Department of History

Content Description

1 online resource (viii, 109 pages) : illustrations (some color), color map.

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Patrick Nold

Committee Members

Nadieszda Kizenko


Barrow, Ireland, Nore, Osraighe, River, Suir

Subject Categories

European History | Medieval History


This research aims to identify the geographic area between the Nore, Barrow, and Suir rivers as the primary gateway for significant permanent changes to the Irish cultural landscape between the fourth and sixteenth centuries. This has been done by examining the successive waves of invasion which have swept over the island, and noting the high frequency with which many pivotal events have occurred in the region. Christianity, the Vikings, continental Church reforms, the Norman invasion, and many subsequent repercussions by English administrators, entered into Ireland through this area first. Upon examination, it becomes clear that Ireland possess a geographic corridor which served as a crucible for imported and often dramatic change to the island which has until now remained unidentified by modern scholarship.
