Date of Award
Document Type
Master's Thesis
Degree Name
Master of Science (MS)
Department of Physics
Content Description
1 online resource (iii, 77 pages) : illustrations (some color)
Dissertation/Thesis Chair
Daniel Robbins
Committee Members
Oleg Lunin, Kevin Knuth
Cosmology, High Energy Physics, Inflation, Probability Distributions, String Theory, Scalar field theory, Superstring theories
Subject Categories
Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing | Other Physics | Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics
In the study of cosmological inflation, string theory and supersymmetry have motivated a wide range of possible inflationary models. These models can be parameterized by a scalar potential V, which is a function of N scalar fields, and determines cosmological parameters such as the vacuum stability and energy density. In principle, we can determine V through high energy physics, such as string theory. In practice, though we may not know the details of V we might have clues about a distribution of plausible V’s, which we can build statistics on to further analyze. The purpose of this thesis defense is to analyze toy models ofprobability distributions of the scalar potential V. Given such a potential, there are many questions one can consider, such as "where is its minimum and what is its value there?", "how many critical points of each type does it have?", as well as some more subtle questions like "how big is the basin of attraction for each local minimum?", "what kind of inflationary trajectories can we have?", and "how likely are relative tunneling events between minima?". Through exploring the basic framework of some plausible space of V’s, by looking at some toy models of probability distributions of potentials, one can determine the expected values of answers to some of these questions.
Recommended Citation
Mathews, Candace, "Probability distributions of the scalar potential" (2022). Legacy Theses & Dissertations (2009 - 2024). 2969.
Included in
Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing Commons, Other Physics Commons, Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics Commons