Date of Award




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology


Counseling Psychology

Content Description

1 online resource (pages viii, 123 pages) : illustrations.

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

LaRae M Jome

Committee Members

Michael V Ellis, Matthew J Miller


Acculturation, Family Allocentrism, Second Generation Indian College Students, Tendency to Foreclose, East Indian Americans, College students, Children of immigrants

Subject Categories

Clinical Psychology | Personality and Social Contexts | Psychology


Vocational literature on Asians Indians in America is plagued by such major problems as a severe dearth of theory-driven research to explain career process variables such as the process of committing to a career choice. During this process, individuals should ideally proceed through a sequence of stages or phases in which they progress from a relative absence of commitment to a phase in which their level of commitment to a career choice is strong (Super, 1957). However, individuals from Asian cultures may not progress sequentially through these stages, and might choose a path to career development which entails committing to a career choice without prior exploration (demonstrating a high Tendency to Foreclose) if they uncritically adopt their parents' attitude and values (Ying & Lee, 1999). The current study sought to explore the extent to which second-generation Asian Indian Americans' Tendency to Foreclose on career choice is predicted by culturally specific variables such as levels of Family Allocentrism and Acculturation.
