Date of Award




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Information Science

Content Description

1 online resource (viii, 183 pages) : illustrations (some color)

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Luis F Luna-Reyes

Committee Members

Teresa M Harrison, J. Ramon Gil-Garcia


Internet in public administration, Transparency in government, Electronic government information, Geospatial data

Subject Categories

Library and Information Science


Since 2009, increasing numbers of countries have started their open data development. Through these efforts, they aim to improve government transparency, advocate innovation in public services and business, boost economic development and improve quality of life. In order to achieve these values of Open Government Data (OGD), just making the data open is not enough; OGD has to be actually used by people. Among previous research, there is a limited discussion on the actual utilization of OGD and the generation of OGD impact. Focused on OGD utilization and impact generation, this dissertation is designed 1) to identify research status, gaps and directions for future studies through a comprehensive literature review; 2) to analyze the relationship between government related factors, OGD related factors, user related factors, community related factors and the generation of different types of OGD impact among different countries over time; and 3) to investigate the roles of stakeholders and identify their perceptions of the facilitators and obstacles in the process of OGD utilization through a case study focusing on the New York State Geographic Information System (NYS GIS) Web Services. This dissertation provides a better understanding about the influential factors and the interaction among stakeholders in the process of OGD utilization and impact generation. Practical implications are also discussed to better guide OGD practice in the future.
