"Traditional Latinx gender role norms and exposure to sexual health pro" by Austin Connor Eklund

Date of Award




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology


Counseling Psychology

Content Description

1 online resource (iii, 33 pages)

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Lisa M McAndrew

Committee Members

Frank R Dillon, Jessica L Martin


caballerismo, gay, HIV, Latinx, machismo, masculinity, Hispanic American gay men, Hispanic American men, HIV infections, Sex role, Safe sex in AIDS prevention

Subject Categories

Gender and Sexuality | Psychology | Public Health


Latinx men who have sex with men (LMSM) are at significantly greater risk for HIV infection than their non-Latinx peers. One important way of helping prevent the spread of HIV is exposing vulnerable populations to HIV prevention programming. Little is known about what factors predict exposure to HIV prevention programming for LMSM. Given extant links between traditional masculine gender role norms and health outcomes, this study sought to examine possible relations between constructs of machismo, caballerismo, and heterosexual self-presentation, along with demographic covariates, and exposure to HIV prevention programming among LMSM. Among the 530 LMSM in our sample, 89% reported at least some exposure to HIV prevention programming. Hypotheses were partially disconfirmed, with greater endorsement of machismo and greater endorsement of heterosexual self-presentation resulting in increased exposure to HIV prevention programming, and greater endorsement of caballerismo resulting in decreased exposure to HIV prevention programming. Practice and prevention implications, along with limitations, are discussed.
