"What drives collective informal learning : the influence of team learn" by Gabrielle Danna

Date of Award




Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Department of Psychology


Industrial/Organizational Psychology

Content Description

1 online resource (ii, 54 pages) : illustrations.

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Jason G Randall

Committee Members

Dev K Dalal


informal learning, learning orientation, metacognition, self efficacy, teams, Non-formal education, Team learning approach in education, Group work in education, Metacognition, Self-efficacy

Subject Categories



The primary level of investigation for informal learning has been the individual level despite the social nature of informal learning, and organizational learning more broadly. This study extends goal orientation and self-regulated learning theoretical frameworks at the individual level to the collective team level to understand the inputs and processes that may predict team informal learning. A model is proposed where team learning orientation positively predicts team informal learning. Process efficacy and collective metacognition are proposed to mediate the relationship between team learning orientation and team informal learning. One hundred and two students holding a club officer position in 32 different student organizations at a northeastern university were surveyed at two time points. Although the results demonstrate that team goal orientation, efficacy beliefs, and metacognition are predictors of team informal learning, the mediation framework is ultimately not supported at the group level. This study corroborates previous research suggesting that learning orientation has positive implications for informal learning, but extends it by examining this relationship at the group level. Future research should continue to investigate informal learning at the group level and identify factors that promote or demote informal learning within a team context.

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Psychology Commons
