"A cross cultural comparison of Asian college students' well-being : ex" by Jennifer Joy Bordon

Date of Award




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Psychology (PsyD)


Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology


Counseling Psychology

Content Description

1 online resource (iii, 71 pages) : illustrations.

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Hung-Bin Sheu

Committee Members

Susan D Phillips, Keith T Chan


Asian American college students, College students, Academic achievement, Student adjustment, Shame, Well-being, Satisfaction, Social cognitive theory

Subject Categories

Counseling Psychology


This study tested the cross-cultural validity of a modified version of Lent and Brown’s (2006, 2008) satisfaction model. Hypothesized predictors and mediators included social-cognitive variables (supports, self-efficacy, outcome expectations, and goal progress), personality variables (extraversion and emotional stability), self-construal variables (interdependence and independence), as well as a variable that is specifically rooted in Asian culture (i.e., academic family shame). Data of 315 Asian American and 260 Singaporean college students were collected using an online survey in English. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM) techniques, showing satisfactory fit of the modified model for both samples. For the Asian American sample, academic supports was found to mediate the relations of extraversion and interdependence to academic satisfaction, and for the Singaporean sample goal progress played an important role in mediating effects of emotional stability, academic supports, and self-efficacy to academic and life satisfaction. While multigroup SEM analyses offered evidence for measurement equivalence, several structural paths (e.g., extraversion  academic supports, self-efficacy  family shame) differed significantly between the Asian American and Singaporean groups. Overall, the study added to this literature by demonstrating the applicability of the modified well-being model to Asian college students in America and Singapore. Findings also suggest that personality and self-construal variables may impact students’ pursuit of well-being differently. Practical implications for interventions and outreach programs, as well as directions for future research are discussed.
