"Elemental composition and arsenic speciation analysis of processed sea" by Austin A. Roberts

Date of Award




Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Department of Environmental Health Sciences

Content Description

1 online resource (xvii, 310 pages) : illustrations (some color)

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Patrick J Parsons

Committee Members

Katherine Alben, Shao Lin, David Spink, Fernando Barbosa Jr., Christopher Palmer


Analytical Chemistry, Arsenic Speciation, Inorganic Mass Spectrometry, Liquid Chromatography, Processed Seafood, Arsenic, Dried seafood, Seafood poisoning, Atomic spectroscopy

Subject Categories

Analytical Chemistry | Environmental Sciences


Arsenic (As) is a widely known toxic element that is highly ubiquitous and has been detected in soil, sediment, naturals waters, the atmosphere, and in organisms of the 5 kingdoms. The toxicity of As however, is dependent on the molecular form in which it takes as well as the route of exposure. For the general population, exposure to As mainly takes place via ingestion of food and water, which have led to numerous studies investigating As and it’s various species in these matrices. Seafood is one of the major sources of dietary exposure to As and has thus led to investigations into the types of As species that exist in this food commodity, with studies showing that the relatively benign As species Aresenobetaine (AsB) tends to be the major species in fish, mollusk, and crustacean products. While there are several techniques available for As speciation analysis, the use of a liquid chromatography system coupled to a mass analyzer (e.g., LC-ICP-MS/MS or LC-MS/MS) is currently one of the most widely used techniques. Since the molecular form of As species determine the level of toxicity, it is important that samples are carefully stored and extracted so results obtained from the liquid extracts are representative of what was present in the solid material.
