Date of Award




Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Department of Psychology


Industrial/Organizational Psychology

Content Description

1 online resource (ii, 34 pages)

Dissertation/Thesis Chair

Jason G Randall

Committee Members

Dev K Dalal


Aging, Mindfulness, Cognition, Well-being, Affect (Psychology), Mindfulness (Psychology), Cognition in old age

Subject Categories

Gerontology | Psychology


The present research examined job-related affective and cognitive processes across ages, and the role of trait mindfulness as a mechanism that influences the strength of these relationships. Specifically, job-related affective well-being, job satisfaction, and fluid intelligence were investigated as they relate to dynamics of aging. Participants on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (N = 174) completed a two-time longitudinal survey separating individual difference tests of trait mindfulness and fluid intelligence at Time 1 from self-report assessments of job satisfaction and job-related affective well-being at Time 2. Overall, the results from this study provide strong evidence that age and mindfulness both play an important role in predicting important work-relevant constructs, including well-being, job satisfaction, and fluid intelligence, with older, more mindful individuals reaping the benefits; however, trait mindfulness did not emerge as a significant moderator of any of these relationships. It is hoped that this study will inform practitioners about considering trait mindfulness as a tool to facilitate healthy aging in working adults and create a starting point for researcher to build upon.
